8888888 I'd call that a TRANSILLUMINATABLE ROTATABLE RADAR because if you shine a very bright light through the note and look at the other side it is still a solid radar, right side up and up side down.
I think it would be MUCH simpler and infinitely less confusing if one were to call this a solid racemic non-chiral rotator radar note.
A chiral image is one that CANNOT be super-imposed onto its own reflection, while a racemic image CAN be super-imposed onto its own reflection.
I'm sure my esteemed colleagues will concur it is painfully obvious that solid radar notes comprised of all 1's or all 8's can only be called
solid racemic non-chiral rotator radar notes.
For short, one could say "I have an s-racemic r1" or "s-racemic r8" [
permission is graciously given to Charlton to incorporate this nomenclature into future editions of their catalogues, provided that due credit is given to venga50, the solid chiral non-racemic sometimes bulimic inventor of this classification system].
Hey, wait a minute....I have an s-racemic r0 note!! (a Specimen Birds $10 bill)

I can talk gibberish with the best of you, provided that I am first mildly-to-moderately "under the influence"!