I`ve been collecting for almost a year now and I read and study about paper money a great deal. Theres just some things I don`t understand when it comes to the value on certain banknotes. The one that bothers me the most is the 1954 $5 Modified. The book value on these notes is $35. However, the multicolored $5`s are priced at $60, $50, $40, and $35. I`d much rather 1954 issues all day long because I think there nicer and older. The 1954 $2 also bugs me. They used to book at $12 and have just been (DEVALUED) in the new Charlton Cat to $10. The multi-colored issues are valued at $16, $14, and $12.
Also I`d like to see the 1937 issues have a little more value. Yeah the Charlton "Bible" wants us all to believe the $2`s and $5`s are $200 but try to buy an original UNC from a dealer......your looking at $230-$250+taxes. Oh, and the poor 1937 $10.....can we possibly make these $10`s feel anymore worthless?
1969 $20 = $140.00, 1954 $20=$120. I can go on and on....I`m sure I`m not the only collector that feels this way....I know, I have talked to lots......would like to hear someone elses comments.
Dwayne in B.C.