Yea, and HOURS of mind boggling searching....

After going through 3 Full Bricks of $5 in 2 Days I get kinda jumpy around the $5's now. My Good Friend Alcohol helped me look through all the bills.
Not Bad... 3 Radars, couple small smeers and a complete bundle of slightly offset prints (Minor but Noticeable at first glance). All the bills are Shifted slightly up, the white 5 on the back is slightly below the edge of the bill. I am selling the entire brick (To help fund further Brick Searches).
Anyone find a few Bills are are about 400 - 500 out of sequence? They seem to be numbers like (Prefix****499) & (Prefix****9999) and stuff like that. Few are int he middle but majority end in 99.
Just Wonderin, havn't talked to any other Brick Searchers before.