Hi, The offset would have occurred on every number on the sheet would it not? Like as if when they put the bar codes on, the entire sheet was slipped to the side. In that case, the bar codes would be going on before or after the numbers. And not at the same time, because there are some examples of the serial number being shifted, but the bar code in the proper place (I think)

By this logic, if the bar code is out on one, then it is offset on all of that sheet. Ant the possibility of the sheet 500 up from the error has just as much chance of being as error as any other sheet.
And BABN cut even further than groups of 1000 evenly. Through several groupings, one may be a run of 1000 (and not starting at the 000 note). Then next brick may pick up where the old one left off and so forth. I have found many brick typical crossover points right in the middle of a bundle. They are kind of strange like that I find.
I am not sure on 100% of this of course