Topic: editorial letter entitled "Paper Shortage"  (Read 9665 times)
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« on: July 17, 2006, 07:15:12 pm »

Here's the original letter I sent CCN editor which was published in the last edition of CCN

> Dear Editor,
> I have subscribed to CCN for about a year now and would like to compliment
> you on a very professional paper.  I always look forward to the next
> edition > of CCN.  However, if I have one quibble, it would be around your coverage
> of > Canadian paper money.
> Being an avid note collector,  I have a special interest in articles that
> pertain to the subject of award-winning currency, shows, or wold notes.  I
> always enjoy Kari McCormick's commentaries on  world paper/polymers,
> any "Almost Uncirculated" commentaries re: > Torex/TNS shows,
>and H. Don Allen's "Numismatist at LARGE"  anecdotes (especially the
> one about how he turned down a scarce Panamanian Balboa for $5 while
> vacationing in Mexico!)
> Ocassionaly, I've seen a few front page articles that describe a quantity
> of old > notes to be auctioned off at some upcoming show, or have read a passing
> reference to the "hot" Canadian paper money market.  What I seldom see are
> articles dedicated solely to the subject of Canadian paper (a series, type
> of error,  or history of a note).  I've seen plenty of articles written about ancient
> coins, dye dots,  rare tokens, or other obscure subjects regarding coins, but rarely do I
> see paper get similar treatment.
> Your policy to feature paper "Trends" every other issue could be improved.
> The series limitations found in "Trends" and its prices don't reflect the true
> paper money market.  Book prices of Dominion, 1954 "Devil's face" and "modified" portraits
> keep going up. Even the current Canadian Journey series, with its
> recent security upgrades, is so avidly collected that Charlton book values
> seem to lag well behind the true market.

> I do realize that "Canadian Coin News" would have a larger
> readership who are interested only in coins, but shouldn't the growing
> interest in Bank of Canada, Dominion, and rare Chartered notes be
> reflected in today's CCN?   I know that I and many other paper money collectos would
> be very grateful if you provided a new focus on Canadian paper.
> Sincerely,
> James Baldwin

The editor's reply was very gracious in acknowledging these shortcomings, and an attempt to redress them.  I will post it later.

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« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2006, 01:16:51 pm »

Here's the reply by Hans Niedemair (editor of CCN)

Thanks for both your kind words, and candid comments. [highlight]We would love to run more paper money articles and are constantly looking for contributions in this area.[/highlight]  As for the trends, your helpful comments are more than welcome.  Don't be surprised to see some of these areas expanded.

So as you can see the editor of CCN feels like they could use more paper money articles too.  I would love to contribute, and probably will, however sometimes I feel that my "expertese" is rather limited.  It is very limited when it comes to pre-1935 Dominion and Chartered bank notes.  I'm in the process of learning about these areas.

I know there's many members who contribute to the CPM & who are more qualified to contribute to CCN than I.  If you'd like to submit articles to CCN but fear occasional spelling/grammatical (or area of expertese) shortcommings than let me know & we could possibly collaborate on something if you'd like.  I'm an able editor -- one thing my extra years of university have instilled in me.

Thanks in advance,


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« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2006, 05:58:38 pm »

The trends in CCN on paper is published every other issue. I would like to expand it, including publishing every issue, but space limitations preclude doing that, as something else would need to be dropped.  Paper is just one of many items collected by numismatists, including decimal coins, mint products, bullion related items and tokens. All have their place. It is much more difficult to establish prices on items in a hot market, paper is hot right now (as are MS-65 5 cents and silver dollars). I welcome any information on trends in paper.

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« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2006, 05:39:30 pm »

I now understand the merits in being conservative in providing current trends.  I made this comment simply because I saw note prices increase in 2 successive shows.  But I can imagine it being a daunting task to keep up with today's trends.

I also understand the conservation of printed space. However, I think it would be timely for the CCN to allow more space for recent series such as the muliticolored, 79, Birds and even Journey notes: at least the asterisk, replacements or what are in demand.    

I understand the CCN to be primarily directed at coin collectors.  However, knowing that there are many collectors who collect both.. I thought it would be a good time to see more info on notes.  

The response is very encouraging, the climate for this change seems ripe, so I remain hopeful.


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