Hey guys thanks for the input.
The whole reason I ever brought this up is because Gilles lists his repeaters only as notes like this:
and not:
Gilles has more knowledge about this stuff than I ever could imagine

, thus I take his definition like fact.
On his lists, his def'n puts repeaters at 1 / 10000 notes, whereas the ABCZABC puts them at 1/1000 notes.
The $5 above, is a 1/1000 note. It only repeats using the given serial number. By that case, ANY random serial number is a repeater, meaning if you were to put the number beside itself 2 times, to create a 14 digit string, there would only be two cycles of repitition.
Take number:
ASDFGHJ (totally random)
ASDFGHJ ASDFGHJ -- 14 digits side by side, and there is only two cycles. Just like
5679567 5679567 -- 14 digits again and two cycles.
So by this logic, any note with seven digits is at MINIMUM a repeater. And this is my guess why Gilles doesn't use this definition.
To note- I guess I do notice now:
5679567 9567956 7956795 6795679 would be needed to complete a set of repeaters for this particular serial number pattern. The fact that there are an odd number of digits in our notes vs US means that any repeater set will have a minimum of two notes (6262626 2626262) - except for solid radars of course)
However, the repeaters in Gilles lists are ones that cycle on 3s. And of course they are not the only ones (becuase we all know solid radars are repaters as well). The inconsistency that I see is calling a ABCZABC note a repeater, when like I said, it only repeats 1 time for every time you pair the number with itself. Write it down 3 times, and find 3 repetitions.
By that very same logic, our hypothetical note with number ASDFGHJ is also then a repeater. This of course contradics what a repeater is in our definition, otherwisde, like I said, all serial numbers are at minimum a "repeater" rendering them nothing more than face value. (I am thinking modular math here with the cycles)
I guess the main thing is that is 5679567 is a repeater, then so is 1254869. To me, this plainly illustrates that the logic to defining ABCZABC as a special note, is flawed or inconsistent.