Wonder if we might have a thread for posting the price we paid or sold a note for? As Archey asked,what was his low #'d set worth,various opinions surfaced.Yet,we see over and over prices realized for notes as FAR FAR different from the Charlton Paper Money Catalogue.
I personally have paid substantially under book for several note because of time of year,ect,and I have paid enormous premiums for Uncirculated and Uncommon (in my opinion) notes.
The purpose would not be to debate trends,guides,under-valued,or over priced,rather to post prices realized,bought or sold.
Wouldn't this be a way to keep up with what's going on in the buy/sell community from fellow collectors,traders,dealers,and fanatics
For instance,many post ebay sale prices here.I posted that I sold a 1954 *AM Replacement for $650. The pair of 1954 solid 5's and 6's with same sig and S/N went for $1600.00 buy it now.
Over priced or under-valued,that would not be the focus,just a place to report.
A thread to see what's happening for those who care to report.I think this could be very useful in helping us all,when considering a note to purchase.