Well, I did some walking and talking today to RBC, and found out some stuff about it.
I talked to the operations manager about it. He said he has personally seen them get sent back.
If I had a Centura Account, that wouldn't happen. But I don't have one of those.
I asked him if it was because the people involved in the clearing did not know the proceedure (much like how some banks "do not" know how to order bricks). There was no difinite answer on this.
Conclusion I have to come up with is this:
There is a
good possibility that it may come back (and it could be a long while before it would show up), according to this operations manager.
There may be some considerations made for those who are extra valued clients ($$$$) lol, I am not close to that right now
On those words, it would be out of caution that I would use an image like above. Just to make things smoother.
If either of you figure out more details about how that works exactly, would you care to share please?
Then I can print it off and show them what to do here in Edmonton.