How much more complicated and confusing is TPG going to become?! I still haven't seen a written definition of what constitutes, for example, a PMG AU-55 as opposed to a PMG AU-58. PMG's numerical grades (VF-20, VF-30, VF-35, EF-40, EF-45, AU-50, AU-55, AU-58, UNC-60, UNC-63, UNC-65, UNC-66, UNC-67, etc.) are thrown around all over the place but no one really knows what they mean. At least Mr. McKaig has made a valiant effort to define the numerical grades employed by CCGS.
I believe he is doing a good job, and has the credibility to grade properly and slab the notes to others satisfaction. He is certainly doing a good job on what he knows best, which is Canadian paper. US graders may call them something different, which may be different than Canadian methods. Buy Canadian.
If there is a dispute by a buying member of the public over a grade of a banknote sold by a CAND dealer, we would use this grading company to settle a dispute, just as we use ICCS for coins.