Topic: 1991 $20 Error QUESTION  (Read 11368 times)
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« on: January 23, 2007, 04:36:42 pm »

I'm sorry i can't put a picture on that topic but here is my question :

I bought a 20 $ bill UNC 1991 WITHOUT Optical Security Device at the price of 60,00 $ CDN

I know that in the charlton catalogs they didn't put any value because it can be remove via i don't know how...

But on my 20 $ bill, were was suppose to be the OSD there is 2 green dots ( planchettes ) that must proove that the OSD wasn't remove becaus if it would have been the green dots would have picked off ???

Do you think it's a good point or not. then... Is it worth more money since it's prove it a genuine error and Should Charlton add it to the catalog ???


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« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2007, 06:33:00 pm »

Well im not too sure because ive only been collecting for 2 years. A misplaced OSD is around $200 UNC. At the bottom of this listed error it says that common cleaning products can remove OSD's easily and thats why its not listed. Maybe a scan would help us answer your question. Thanks :)
« Last Edit: January 23, 2007, 06:57:11 pm by multicolorama »

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« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2007, 07:06:31 pm »

that's the picture. as you can see, the two dots would go directly behind the optical device.It's a knight / dodge 1991 ayk7723160.

hope it can help

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« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2007, 02:09:26 pm »

But on my 20 $ bill, were was suppose to be the OSD there is 2 green dots ( planchettes ) that must proove that the OSD wasn't remove becaus if it would have been the green dots would have picked off ???
Do you think it's a good point or not. then... Is it worth more money since it's prove it a genuine error and Should Charlton add it to the catalog ???

Even though planchetes are visible - that doesn't necessarily prove that the OSD was not removed.  Some manufactured errors are very sophisticated & convincing.  The planchettes are in the vicinity of where the OSD would be placed -- not necessarily in the same place.  From what I can see of the attachment --it is likely a legitimate "Without OSD error" because its UNC and there appears to be no change in the paper quality where the OSD should be.   To absolutely verify this I would have to inspect the note in person.

What is probably more significant is whether there is a demand for the "Without OSD error."   While you can present your "case" that this note is likely legit (if trying to sell) due to the visible planchettes, whether you'll see a premium is another story.  Charlton originally added "No OSD notes" to their catalogue but then discovered that their removal was quite easy-- and added the footnote you mentioned.  This cloud of suspicion hasn't added to their popularity (or the market price).

Misplaced OSD seem to be more popular.  However-- you got your note for $60.  If the book lists an UNC NO OSD at $200 you did very well.

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« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2007, 07:23:24 pm »

As stated in the Charlton catalogue the OSD can be removed with a "common cleaning product without a trace"

So it sounds like it is dissolved and not peeled off or if peeled off the product used would soften it up enough to be able to remove it with out a trace.

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« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2007, 11:09:50 pm »

Hi Jeff: At 60.00 I'd say you got a super deal! :)  I purchased the same 20.00 Error, in UNC. condition, from a Charles Moore auction for 225.00. This auction was back in 2001, when the Charlton's still had this type of Error listed as legitimate :-/.

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