Hi bux
Hey Twoin
Hope your doing OK.
Just thought I would bring this thread back up to the front
Our dollar reached 92.20 on Monday.
Looks like you called this one.
So how long do people think before we see a par dollar.
I personally think it will happen. Might take a long time still. But I say before 2010. Sounds like a long time but thats only 2.5 yrs. That'll pass before you know it.
There are some here that think the word"prediction" is a dirty word.Perhaps they are reading too many tea leaves,watching Kreskin,dialing pyschic hot-lines,ect. A review of the word is in order:
Main Entry: pre·dict
Pronunciation: pri-'dikt
Function: verb
Etymology: Latin praedictus, past participle of praedicere, from prae- pre- + dicere to say -- more at DICTION
transitive verb : to declare or indicate in advance; especially : foretell on the basis of observation, experience, or scientific reason
Lets read that again shall we-especially : foretell on the basis of observation, experience, or scientific reason.Cant find a crystal ball in there,nor a sooth sayer!
So the call of new lows,heading to par is quite an easy one,nuthin extraordinary,contrary to what some may try to spin here.Putting all the info together,we see why the cando has rocketed 10% in the last 5 months-incredible!
But that's nothing to what's coming-and we have our money placed on our "predictions". Can you say cando stronger than the usd?
Worth noting,but not relying upon,ALL weak currency tends to rise in June,August,and early Sept.The $usd has staged a weak,and I mean very weak, technically speaking, rally against select currencies.This does not bode well for investors on the wrong side.
In answer to your question bux-I say 9 months max-but remember,indicators change,and can change quickly,we are students of the market.We let it tell us,we do not tell it!