I will attempt to answer this for you, anyone please correct me if I am wrong.
To understand Inserts you need to look at WHAT they do....
Inserts are the same at Replacement notes. They replaced damaged/missing notes during the printing process.
So based on 40/on Sheets (40 Notes in a single sheet of notes) a ream of notes is 1000 sheets stacked on top of each other. This creates a total of 40,000 notes (40 x 1000). So during the printing process a person notices that there is an ink smeer or major damage to a sheet (Various types of error's). What they would do is pull the
ENTIRE sheet and destroy it. Then in it's place put an
ENTIRE sheet of notes (Sheet Replacement). Now the sheets that are used for Replacements (Inserting) is NORMALLY a complete ream (40,000 notes) but there are time they only use 1/2 a ream (Or other exceptions) but for the main part
MOST Insert ranges in sheet inserts are 40,000 Notes (1 Ream of notes or multiples of). So what the printer does is use an entire
UNCUT ream of notes (1000 sheets) by placing
ENTIRE sheets where required (Sometime one here and one there or a bunch of them all together). This is why the Front and Back plate numbers match the rest of the notes in a brick (They are placed BEFORE the notes are cut). So lets say you get 4 bricks, you will find that in the SAME spot in all 4 bricks there will be an Insert note and in each brick the serial number is EXACTLY 1000 notes apart (each note in a sheet is 1000 notes apart of the next one on the sheet). This will be true of the entire ream of notes the sheet was placed in (As the ream is cut vertically in to 40 Bricks, and there is a layer of inserts across the bricks)
This is common practice when large amounts of error's occur or happen frequently. This was the case with CBN most of the time as their quality and printing technology was very outdated.
So once a printer starts to get very good at printing a particular note (British American International) and work out all the "bugs" they do not require as many Replacement notes (Insert Notes) so what happen is they switch to what is known as "Single Note Replacements (SNR)". This is the METHOD of placing Insert Notes.
The difference with SNR notes is that they are NOT complete reams of notes used for Inserts. What they do is use a
COMPLETE ALREADY CUT Brick (With Plate Numbers already) for Inserts (As far less are required). So the Printer grabs a brick of notes and then starts using the notes (In Sequence) as required. As complete bricks rolls of the printing line and has lets say 2 error notes. So the notes are pulled (Most likely by Computer) and then the first 2 notes of the SNR brick are used (Lets use 33219000 and 001 for this example) . These Plate numbers will not likely match the brick they are being placed in.
So then the next brick that has an error (May be the next brick or 100 bricks away) they would then pull the single or a couple notes (Again by a Computer or automated system) and then place 33219002 and 003 (The Next notes in the brick of SNR Notes). Again not matching the plate numbers of the brick they are being placed in.
So SNR Notes are MUCH more rare as you can
NOT predict that brick will have a SNR Insert (Not to mention there is 1/40 the number of Inserts) and if you get 4 Bricks in sequence there might only be 1 SNR in one of the bricks (This has been seen with some as there might be 25 Million notes change and you might only increase in the SNR Brick by 200 Notes). This is also why the ranges are 1000 notes. They eventually use up the entire brick and then they go on to a fresh brick (Whatever is available to use).
So what we are seeing is that BAI is now to the point that Inserts are not being used often so they do not need to use entire reams of notes to replace damaged ones. Over time we will find fewer and fewer Insert ranges (and Notes) as Printers pride them selfs on how few Replacement notes are required. This was a major factor in the HPA Inserts right at the time that CBN was for sale (Make things look good in the books!).
I hope this helps and feel free to ask if anyone needs this further clarified.