AOV 5192969 ( 95/65 ) found in APA 0232000 ( 95/65 ) replacing APA 0232066
AOV 5193969 ( 95/65 ) found in APA 0233000 ( 95/65 ) replacing APA 0233066
This brick data was reported to Gilles Pomerleau today.
The confirmed range on Gilles July 3rd mailing, which has already been printed, is AOV (5.120M - 5.160M).
The range was expanded today to AOV (5.120M - 5.200M)
only4teeth found sheet replacement AOV 5232778 in an AOZ brick and this find was reported to Gilles today.
If additional finds are made then the AOV sheet replacement range will expand to AOV (5.120M - 5.240M).
AOV sheet replacements have been seen in AOV, AOW, AOZ and APA bricks. The large 120K range would be
expected since these replacements have been presently seen spanning five different prefixes (AOV to APA).

Arthur Richards
Contributor, Charlton Catalogue of Canadian Government Paper Money, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd and 29th Edition
Pricing Panel Member, Charlton Catalogue of Canadian Government Paper Money, 21st Edition 2009