I am looking to acquire a large variety of high-resolution (minimum 300dpi) scans of vignettes from banknotes, stock certificates, etc, to bolster the small collection that I already have. These can include portraits, counters, landscapes, inanimate objects, vehicles, etc. Almost any component of a banknote or other engraving is worth submitting. Images need not be limited to issued Canadian currency. Stock certificates, foreign currency and notes that didn't make it are also fair game.
These images will be used from time to time as I see fit in assembling the CPMS Newsletter. Generally, vignettes will be used to fill small empty spaces. They will not be used to create an article, but may be used to augment an article unrelated to vignettes authored by a third-party contributor. Vignettes are added to a general collection and thus credit for their contribution is not given upon usage. Special credit in the editorial message of an upcoming newsletter may be considered for significant contributions of a large number of vignettes.
It is the responsibility of the person submitting images to ensure that they are not infringing upon copyright laws in doing so. The CPMS Newsletter editors must have free use of the images without the need to credit a source upon usage.
If you have any scans that you can share, please email me: webmaster@cpmsonline.ca.
Thank you!

Life Member of CPMS, RCNA, ONA, ANA, IBNS, WCS.
President, IBNS Ontario Chapter.
Treasurer, Waterloo Coin Society.
Show Chair, Cambridge Coin Show.
Fellow of the Ontario Numismatic Association.