THE FULL MEAL DEAL IN REGARDS TO REPLACEMENT NOTES IN THE JOURNEY SERIESWhat we have seen is that eventually they do use up all the notes and then the grab another "Random Brick" to be used SOLELY for Replacements. Again there have been a few times they did set 2 or 3 bricks in sequence aside.... This is still a Far Cry from a total of 40 Bricks set aside that are used in replacing sheets (40 Notes per sheet and 1000 sheets... This is an entire ream.... Thus our typical Sheet Replacement range = 40,000 Notes).
Here is how it this all works (Sheet vs Single Note Replacements)....Preliminary Details:
------------------------We have a Brick (ABC 3321000 - 3321999) being used for Single Note Replacements (SNR).
We have Ream (ABC 3325000 - 3365000) being used for Sheet Replacements.
You get a Brick from the bank (For this example we will say AOM 5432000 - 5432999)
---------------------1 Sheet of notes = 40 Notes
1 Ream of notes = 1000 Sheets (40,000 Notes)
1 Brick of Notes = 1000 Notes (A Ream when cut will yield 40 Bricks in Sequence)
So lets say in these examples the brick (AOM 5432000) the 206 and 207 Notes have been replaced (From Damage or whatever). Example #1: Sheet Replacements
-------------------------------------------So according to this
IF THEY WERE SHEET REPLACEMENTS (Same Front & Back Plate Numbers) then the 206 and 207 Notes will be missing from
EVERY SINGLE BRICK IN THE REAM and have replacements placed (Where the 206 and 207 Notes were in each brick).
This is because both sheets of notes... the 206 sheet and the 207 sheet were
ENTIRE SHEETS of replacement notes were put in their place
THEN the notes were cut into individual bricks.
So each replacement (206 and 207 will increase in serial number by 1000 for each brick in sequence). So this means you would get the following:
Our example Brick AOM 5432000 will have lets say ABC 3325000 & ABC 3325001 in place of the AOM 206 and 207 Bricks. What this means is the NEXT brick in the ream (AOM 5433000) will have ABC 3326000 and ABC 3326001 in place of the 206 and 207 Notes.... And so on for the entire ream of AOM Notes. This is the first 2 sheets of notes in the ream of Sheet Replacements being used. Then in next ream of AOM Notes may have one or two more sheets used in different positions until all 1000 sheets are eventually used up.
With Single Note replacements this is
VERY different....
Example #2: Single Note Replacements (SNR's)
------------------------------------------------------------So lets go all the way back to our original Brick we got from the bank with a different scenario (SNR's)...
We have our AOM 5432000 and the 206 and 207 Notes are missing again. This time we have ABC 3321000 and ABC 3321001 (From our Designated Range of Single Note Replacements) in their place and the Front and back plate numbers do not match.
So what this means is that the
ENTIRE REAM of AOM Notes were cut into bricks KNOWING there is only a couple defective notes in a couple sheets. So instead of wasting an ENTIRE sheets of notes (When only 1 or 2 notes are faulty) they leave them and cut the bricks up.
Then they go through the bricks (By Computer) and find the faulty notes in each brick and pulled them out and placed notes from the ABC 3321000 Brick in order....So Our brick got the very first 2 notes in the brick of replacements. BUT the next brick (AOM 5433000) has NO missing notes as none were faulty but lets say AOM 5449000 had notes 555 and 556 faulty and that was it... So you might find in place of those pair of notes from our Brick of Replacement Notes ABC 3321002 and ABC 3321003.
So they are the VERY NEXT notes in sequence yet they have been placed just over 28,000 notes later in the ream and are replacing notes from different sheets in the same ream as well.So then lets say they do a great job of printing notes and the next 2 notes have have been mis-printed are AOM 7661444 and 7661445. So they will be replaced with the NEXT 2 notes from our replacement brick IN SEQUENCE....
So the 444 and 445 notes have in their place ABC 3321004 and ABC 3321005. So now the next 2 notes have been used about 2.218 Million notes later.
These notes are
REPLACING SINGLE FAULTY NOTES AS REQUIRED. This is a matter of efficiency. Why waste an entire sheet of notes when only 1 or 2 notes are bad. Just replace the notes that are faulty.
We will find that this will be the case as time goes on. British American International is a MUCH better printer then CBN because they are 6 years more advanced in technology and have refined the printing technology to the point that very few replacements are required anymore.
This means Replacements are going to be harder and harder to come by.... This has already been seen with the Single Notes replacements found.It is a known fact that Brick Searchers account for
AT MOST 10% of the bricks searched that are released. Lets take the situation then that EVERY Brick Searcher finds a brick with a particular SNR Range that have been Inserted. So this means even though a SNR Range is 1000 Notes there would be
AT MOST 100 Notes found. Unfortunately this is
NOT The case. USUALLY Of the 1000 Note Range there is only about 15 - 20 Notes ever found.
THAT'S IT!!!!!
So Lets Contrast that with a Sheet Replacement Range.... 40,000 Notes (Brick Searchers find at most 10% so that is about 4000 Notes that could be found with lets say in reality about 3000 that could be discovered.So we are dealing with 20 vs 3000 Possible Notes (150X More Notes in this example).This is why Single Note Replacement's carry a higher premium then a standard Sheet Replacement Note. It all reflects Scarcity of the notes and the difficulty acquiring them.As Gary has also mentioned there is a SECOND Type of Single Note Replacement that is much more scarce then regular SNR Notes. These notes are Inserted by the Canadian Bank Note Company. From what we have learned, there have been times that one printer will hire the other to help with the workload of packaging notes for delivery. What has happened is that a number of UNCUT reams were shipped to CBN from BAI to be cut and packaged.
What CBN usually does is Strap 1000 Notes together into a single brick VS BAI Who will bundle the notes in groups of 100 Notes in white paper bands and then wrap the bundles in Bricks of 1000 with another large white paper band.
So we have seen a few bricks of the new $5 and $10 Notes arrive strapped by hard plastic bound in 1000 notes bunches. And in these bricks there have been usually 2 Single Note Replacements found (One in the first half and one in the second half of the brick). They appear to be Quality Control Notes pulled (Typically seen with 2002 $5 Notes). These replacement notes were usually found between the 000 - 001 and 500 - 501 Notes.
It is believed that BAI Sent with the reams a few bricks (Or possibly bundles) of notes for CBN to use to replace notes as required while they packaged notes.
This is why we see