Topic: How does one price currently found inserts?  (Read 23033 times)
Hudson A B
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« Reply #15 on: June 13, 2007, 05:55:45 am »

I have found replacement note errors (such that they should have been pulled).

It was in HOU. And it was fresh out of a virgin brick.

So it is possible to have a replacement error.

Secondly, I have not the inofrmation to comment on bird series ranges.
Others with more seniority/ experience may be able to explain the details of the range conclusions.

CPMS Lifetime Member #1502.
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« Reply #16 on: June 13, 2007, 11:50:47 am »

I also have had a few HOU Replacement errors (Misaligned-digit)

The funniest thing I ever saw was a QCIN Note from a brick of HOU, the note was badly smeered and it was placed back into the bricks after.....  :o  ???

Makes you wonder if they even look at the notes they pull out!  ???
« Last Edit: June 13, 2007, 06:25:36 pm by X-Savior »

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Hudson A B
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« Reply #17 on: June 13, 2007, 11:55:11 am »

The last digit was shifted up probably about 40-50%.    Last digit of the left side serial number I believe.
Looks like X-S found a couple too.

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« Reply #18 on: June 13, 2007, 06:29:18 pm »

Either it's not an insert or the sheet was inserted on a Monday  Cool

Based on what I know, what I have learned doing bricks and LENGTHY Discussions with Gilles and Gary....

I am going with the Monday/Friday Theory!!!

I have gotten Bricks where there was a run of lets say 12 Inserts and the middle 4 were different Inserts (As it is thought the replacement sheets were replaced becuse they were defective).  ???

I have seen this on 2 different occasions and talked with a few individuals who have seen the same thing.... So Yes... It IS possible!

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« Reply #19 on: June 13, 2007, 06:33:10 pm »

Is it possible and has it happened where a note is thought to be a SNR and then down the road it becomes part of a larger range?  

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« Reply #20 on: June 13, 2007, 06:36:04 pm »

I have gotten Bricks where there was a run of lets say 12 Inserts and the middle 4 were different Inserts
So the 4 different inserts were they sheet replacements inserts or SNR inserts?

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« Reply #21 on: June 13, 2007, 09:09:51 pm »

They were all sheet Inserts....

If I remember correctly there were about 4 AOK 2.127xxx and then 4 AOK 1.967xxx and then 4 AOK 2.127xxx and all the AOK 2.12 were in sequence (Meaning the gap in the middle witht he AOK 1.96 lined up with the 4 missing AOK 2.12 Notes).

So Originally it looked like 12 In Sequence AOK 2.12 but then they pulled the 4 middle sheets and placed AOK 1.96 Sheets in their place.

I do not remember the details of the other occasion this happened.

Is it possible and has it happened where a note is thought to be a SNR and then down the road it becomes part of a larger range?

No, This has not happened to my knowledge. Some of the SNR's came out of Sheet ranges...

The reason is that SNR's have been around for about a year now but it has taken time to determine WHAT was going on and why they were different. Initially Gilles decided to include them as part of sheet ranges until further research could be done. This was a safety measure... If you look at the lists there are a few ranges of SNR in the HNN Prefix...  :o

What we must all remember is that it takes time to research and also wait for Independent people to come forward to verify a claim before a preliminary range can be determined.

The reason there has been a greater understanding of SNR's and about the printers sharing the workload (And has been for almost 20 years!!!) is because of an individual (Whom I am not at liberty to disclose) has revealed this information. This individual is from the other side of the fence on these matters and was directly involved. Consider this part of our "Tid-bit of information" we have been yearning for.  ;)

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Hudson A B
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« Reply #22 on: June 14, 2007, 09:05:35 am »

Is it possible and has it happened where a note is thought to be a SNR and then down the road it becomes part of a larger range?  
To straighten this out -- X_S, a small correction--   Suppose I find SNR 1234xxx range.  It gets confirmed with findings.   Therfore 1000 note range.

And then next week I find 1235xxx, and again it gets confiremd by other findings. 
The range has been expanded into 2000.

Some new finds WILL bridge gaps between ranges, perhaps creating ranges of 3000 or 4000, maybe even more (of course we do not know for sure).   Thus ranges can be absorbed into larger ranges.  (Provided they are all SNR ranges).

The point to remember though, is that the relative numbers being found is still quite small.

There is a case with the $20s somewhere where a small SNR range is adjacent to the sheet range. They are listed as separate entries, due to the different nature of the note placement.

Some of the SNRs came from sheet ranges
This is a contradiction.  X_S, please PM me with details.
However, I do acknowledge that BoC can throw us for a loop every now and again.

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« Reply #23 on: June 14, 2007, 12:22:24 pm »

Is it possible and has it happened where a note is thought to be a SNR and then down the road it becomes part of a larger range? 

I am sorry... I must have been half asleep when I typed that! It was not what I wanted to say....  :-[

What I meant to say is originally a few of the SNR Ranges were grouped into one huge range with sheet Inserts until there were SEVERAL confirmations that the notes in the Suspected SNR range were SNR Notes.

I agree with Huds.... There will always be slight shifts in ranges and/or expansion as new finds are made. It seems to take about a year to a year and a half for ranges to really settle down.

The point to remember though, is that the relative numbers being found is still quite small.

This is a VERY Important point to remember. This goes back to my first post.... Even if a range is 2000 - 3000 notes it is likely that only 10 - 15 notes might have been found in the additional extension of the range.

Some of the SNRs came from sheet ranges

Sorry again... This is not what I was aiming to say.... The first part of the post covers this. (I should not type when I am tired!!!  ;))
I am just stating what people have noticed... A few of the SNR Ranges were ORIGINALLY part of a very large Sheet range until further proof was discovered to be 100% Sure that they were ALL SNR Notes in the suspected range.

I spoke to Gilles in great depth about this before and he is a VERY Cautious man. He will not publish anything until he is 110% Sure it is correct. He decided to place the few SNR Finds over the last year or so into the appropriate sheet ranges until he could say with certainty the the SNR's are their own range. A perfect axample of this was an AOK range I believe.

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« Reply #24 on: June 14, 2007, 12:32:21 pm »

There is a case with the $20s somewhere where a small SNR range is adjacent to the sheet range. They are listed as separate entries, due to the different nature of the note placement.

The question I have is that I found a  $20 ALK prefix SNR(1K) in the range (9922000-9923000) and also found a $20 ALK prefix sheet replacement in the range 80 K (9840000-9920000).  Is there a chance that this range could be combined or is that highly unlikely?  If this is the case, or can be possible when notes are first being found, you could be paying big bucks for a SNR that turns out to be a sheet replacement? Or am I not understanding this stiil ???


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« Reply #25 on: June 14, 2007, 04:55:23 pm »

Hey Fried Squid,

Good question.

No...They will not become Sheet Replacements. Due to the nature of how SNR Replacements are found it can be determined RIGHT AWAY that they are SNR's


SNR's have the 1/40th chance of being mistaken as Sheet Inserts (As it has happened where a few SNR's are found in the same plate numbers as the bricks they are in.... But as another discovery is made and those notes match the plates of the other Possible SNR find it starts to become clear.... This is why some of the ranges take more time to confirm then others.

So if anything (And it also has happened) you might have bought a Sheet Insert and will later be discovered it was actually an SNR. This can happen with the few individuals who sell notes immediately after finding them without waiting to see what happens with them. Again this happened with a couple AOK SNR Ranges as the Huge Sheet Range got split up after more discoveries were made.  :)

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Hudson A B
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« Reply #26 on: June 14, 2007, 05:00:41 pm »

Sigh: I sold SNR's as sheet replacements to some lucky people....

Well, win some, lose some.   :P

At least I have some happy buyers :)

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« Reply #27 on: June 14, 2007, 06:14:33 pm »

Yes, And I was on the receiving end of this... I only found out recently when I went over all my Replacements and realized I had a couple SNR's that I had bought as Sheet Replacements...  :o

Makes ya feel all warm and fuzzy!   8)

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« Reply #28 on: June 20, 2007, 08:46:16 pm »

A superb dissertation X-Saviour! I have never been very interested in modern issues myself and I know little about them. I prefer the older (simpler!) issues. I would therefore be interested to know whether the observations/conclusions in your article are based on circumstantial evidence (in conjunction with some deductive reasoning/speculation) or whether they are based on absolute known facts.

Many thanks, and keep up the good work!

Ottawa, sorry about the delay in responding to your question. We are basing this information on some known facts AND a process of Logic (Hudson's article was able to prove this based on Logic built on Logic).

I am writing a detailed article that is also very easy to read outlining Journey Series Notes and specifically 2006 $5 Notes including Sheet and Single Note Replacements. It will be very informative.  ;)

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