Topic: The Amero Debut  (Read 32275 times)
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« Reply #30 on: September 03, 2007, 09:24:24 pm »

a girl in each arm.
If this is true then is there a chance of blackmailing someone for one of his SOLIDS ;D

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« Reply #31 on: September 03, 2007, 10:24:12 pm »

Ahhh,gwasshopper!! You learn quick.
It was I that introduced this to the forum,some got down right nasty hearing facts about to take place.

Now,what if...and I say,what if,the American dollar is being tanked, after trillions upon trillions of this paper have been printed,with bidders looking scarcer than a hooker in confessional,'cept for some Cayman Island shell companies and Bahamian(registered) shells supporting the "full faith and credit of the goverment"?
What if the current debt has been run up for this exact purpose? Suppose the C$ were to rise in intrisic value,say 20% above the usd$,think the US population might be more susceptible to giving up their precious buck....

I could say so much more but...he!!,I'm in Mexico right now :)
Exchanging pesos for canbucks,the currency of champions....

You were ridiculed about the Amero?  I'm not surprised.  I mean it can't be true if it's not on the evening news!   It especially can't be true if the "experts" on tv say that it's not!  You also sound like a conspiracy theorist to;) 

As for introducing the Amero to Americans I don't think it will be that difficult.  The dollar is gradually being manipulated to par so that selling the Amero idea to the masses becomes an easier job for the spokesmen involved....And we are 1 interest rate hike/decrease away from par.   Besides it only takes a government induced crisis to swindle the public into begging their own government for a solution!   I no longer debate case scenarios because the script has been written by our masters and that's to keep the $ at par.  It's just a matter of how the think tanks spin the story to win the support of the masses.  Remember that the prices of commodities, interest rates, gold and oil are easily manipulated to a favourable outcome. ( Don't forget that just a year ago last June, was when they rubberstamped the idea of manipulating the price of crude oil up to current levels and beyond.  Everybody in the loop made huge mula!).  The Amero is here and the masses will accept it wether they like or not...much like every other political decision!

"Fun fact"(sad fact):  They have awarded the contract to the company that's going to be printing the Amero.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2007, 10:47:34 pm by canada »
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« Reply #32 on: September 03, 2007, 10:45:03 pm »

Like everything in life - when I'm holding one of these notes I'll believe it !
But if it gives me stronger purchasing power for let's say Tequila .... well
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« Reply #33 on: September 04, 2007, 12:07:31 am »

Add me to the list of skeptics.  I really don't think this is happening.  Certainly not in the next 5 years.

But if it does, you can bet that there won't be a newly redesigned currency.  Canada and Mexico will simply drop their own currencies and adopt the USD, green backs and presidents included. 

Track your Canadian currency online!
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« Reply #34 on: September 04, 2007, 09:50:54 am »

Add me to the list of skeptics.  I really don't think this is happening.  Certainly not in the next 5 years.

But if it does, you can bet that there won't be a newly redesigned currency.  Canada and Mexico will simply drop their own currencies and adopt the USD, green backs and presidents included. 

The paper currency will be redesigned and I hold this belief because the Euro is the model they're following.  Most countries have a version of the Euro with superficial custom taylored art.  Furthermore, Europe was the rat and now that they've gone through with the integration of one continent, the NAU will be much easier to create.  5 years is an awfully long time knowing what we know now with the EU creation. They say they can create Fortress North America  in 1/3 of the time of what it took Europe.

I wish i could see a rendering of our new paper currency.
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« Reply #35 on: September 04, 2007, 02:44:19 pm »

There is a segment of the population,confronted with a mountain of evidence,who will deny a reality till the end.I don't make the news,just report it.
The signals are being telegraphed by various means,here's another(hmmm,wasn't that London CNBC talking about the "Amero")

Tuesday Sep 4 2007
All times are London time.

Credit turmoil ‘has hallmarks of bank run’
By Krishna Guha in Jackson Hole

Published: September 2 2007 20:18 | Last updated: September 2 2007 21:16

The current turmoil in the financial markets has all the characteristics of a classic banking crisis, but one that is taking place outside the traditional banking sector, Axel Weber, president of the Bundesbank, said at the weekend.

“What we are seeing is basically what we see underlying all banking crises,” said Mr Weber, one of the most influential members of the governing council of the European Central Bank.

The comments mark the first time that a top central banker has endorsed the notion that the non-bank financial system is seeing an old-style bank run.

Some Federal Reserve policymakers also privately see comparisons between the current distress in credit markets and the bank runs of the 19th century, in which savers lost confidence in banks and demanded their money back, creating a spiralling liquidity crisis for institutions that had invested this money in longer-term assets.

That scenario ultimately led to the creation of the US Federal Reserve and other central banks as lenders of last resort for the banking system.

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« Reply #36 on: September 04, 2007, 07:17:13 pm »

Well I had to look into to this Amero thing to see if there was any truth to theory, so for the last couple days I got my hands on every piece of literature or video blog ever done on the subject. The press has reason to speculate considering the American Government isn't sharing any information concerning The North American Union with them or the rest of us (including the Amero) . All that's available is what is posted on Government sites and speculation from every corner of the planet. This Amero thing is what worries me the least, the fact that all three governments aren't sharing their proposed ideas is the key and more frightening issue concerning all three countries sovereignty.
O By the way - The one American News clip had the Skydome and CN Tower as our Defense Headquarters !
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« Reply #37 on: September 04, 2007, 08:03:12 pm »

Also, as an added bonus, check out the CBOT wheat chart . Get ready for sticker shock at your local grocery store! Don’t worry however, the feds will tell you that there is no inflation. Believe them instead of your own eyes! If this keeps up, a wheat sandwich will be cheaper to buy if you leave off the bread and just eat the meat or turkey and the lettuce. Forget the cheese, it is too expensive also!
Gov. would never skew the #'s to their liking,nor would they keep info from you.
Got milk! ;)

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« Reply #38 on: September 04, 2007, 08:18:15 pm »

O By the way - The one American News clip had the Skydome and CN Tower as our Defense Headquarters !

How stupid can anyone really be to believe that? Everyone knows that Canada's Defense Headquarters is on the Toronto Islands under the lighthouse at Hanlon's Point. It's been in that location for over 70 years now

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« Reply #39 on: September 04, 2007, 08:19:37 pm »

Collecting is too much fun for me to think purely of the profit motive.

Do you have any UNC 5 dollar inserts you'd like to sell at face.
I will buy them all.


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« Reply #40 on: September 04, 2007, 08:43:42 pm »

Sure, if you pay me with those devils face asterisks you said you were going to dump.  I need one of those.
Meet you beside the dumpster where I hope I can still find them.
But don't forget to bring your inserts along as well.
And Come alone 8)

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« Reply #41 on: September 04, 2007, 08:45:27 pm »

Well I had to look into to this Amero thing to see if there was any truth to theory, so for the last couple days I got my hands on every piece of literature or video blog ever done on the subject.

So please tell us what you discovered when you filed for information regarding the March 2005 meeting held at Baylor University in Waco, Tex., between President Bush, President Fox and Prime Minister Martin using your freedom of information rights?   ;)
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« Reply #42 on: September 04, 2007, 08:54:42 pm »

Also, as an added bonus, check out the CBOT wheat chart . Get ready for sticker shock at your local grocery store! Don’t worry however, the feds will tell you that there is no inflation. Believe them instead of your own eyes! If this keeps up, a wheat sandwich will be cheaper to buy if you leave off the bread and just eat the meat or turkey and the lettuce. Forget the cheese, it is too expensive also!
Gov. would never skew the #'s to their liking,nor would they keep info from you.
Got milk! ;)

LMFAO!  It's true and I should be crying instead of laughing.  Inflation will be horrific like it was in most countries who joined the EU.  They are using the exact same model as the EU so we will be experiencing the exact same hardships.   You know how some will spin it..."how can we ever stay competitive with the EU.  So TwoinVallarta, heard about the Pacic-Asia Union that's also under development? ;D

I like your outside the "news box" thinking.  I'm betting my rare notes that you're a very sucessful man in life.
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« Reply #43 on: September 04, 2007, 09:10:13 pm »

Straight from the beast

The cooperative efforts under the SPP, which can be found in detail at, seek to make the United States, Canada and Mexico open to legitimate trade and closed to terrorism and crime.  It does not change our courts or legislative processes and respects the sovereignty of the United States, Mexico, and Canada.  The SPP in no way, shape or form considers the creation of a European Union-like structure or a common currency.   The SPP does not attempt to modify our sovereignty or currency or change the American system of government designed by our Founding Fathers.

I read the Waco blog, again speculation. Anymore questions can be forwarded to the New Rogers defense centre located kiddie corner to the Prime Minister's Igloo.

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« Reply #44 on: September 04, 2007, 09:17:11 pm »

So TwoinVallarta, heard about the Pacic-Asia Union that's also under development?
Three blocks will compete,roadmaps are in place,intergration is almost complete.PAU,NAU.EEU-the end lol.

I'm betting my rare notes that you're a very sucessful man in life.

Maybe,but didn't I tell you to move out of that city before i left for Mexico.Sure i did. ;) You deserve better ;D

My profession puts me with  money-some big money,and power.That's where I learnt the  truth of whats coming.And independent research.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2007, 09:18:57 pm by twoinvallarta »


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