Actually, have been browsing about error notes and I think I will be way more excited to find errors, especially big ones, than perfection if I keep on with this interest, judging by some of the prices I've seen for them

I've been thinking back on weird money I've had and qquickly changed for a better shape one (fold and cuts and weird coulors... oh my and oh sigh

I can't upload a pic at present (still waiting for cdrom drive in the mail and to reinstall Kodak software so I can take pics and no idea when I'll be able to. Hopefully soon!!!)
A while ago I did happen to spot a picture of a $10 with an error that looked the very same error and degree of error though (I think the site referred to it as a simple error) ... if only I could remember the site. It was linked through here I'm sure ... the site had a sections for "Error Notes" and images as samples. Not a huge error I think ... but an error it looks like. I'll see if I can find the site and image again and link it here.