So I was on the right track with my questions about "3 ways/special" so thanks for letting me know that, as well as an idea of "values" ranges for it. As far as value for THIS 20 ... I don't know ...
This bill is obviously circulated, and I haven't yet learned all of the grading and it's terms - will work on that

It's used, shows that a bit, has a fold/crease line and about quarter-inch/I think less, small tear at the edge and off to the side of the crease, but not on the crease, and still has a lot of firmness. It's been handled, but not abused

Unfortunately I can't take pics and upload them here ... cdrom drive died and waiting for a working one to arrive in the mail so I can reinstall the Kodak software before I can post pics again. Will have deposited that 20 into my landlords account by end of next week before that cdrom drive gets here though

BUT I'm sure I'll come across other money to post pics of ... and I'll be able to plan ahead a bit to be able to hang onto any good bills that come my way.
I mentioned to someone that I sometimes get very crisp brand new looking older 20's mixed in with newer ones from the bank machines. I wish I'd found this interest and site when I had those 20's ... now I wonder what I I might have lost out on ... OH NO!
Good nite
