I'm struggling with the list versus Arthur's list (March 13, 2008). There are some differences in the ranges especially in the $20. Example - I had a Insert ALK 9.81, then it became a non-insert, and now according this the new list, it is an insert again. Another example is the AYV inserts were 90k but now appear to be only two small SNR ranges.
Can someone confirm if the list provided by Roberto is the list I should be referring to? I'm not questioning the whole list, just concerned about the changes to the $20 section.
In Gilles Pomerleau's list (which is the authority), certain ranges of $20s have been confirmed as SNRs, which were previously unrecognized, or recognized as Sheet replacements.
Once proven SNR, the status stays. SNR designations are created from the most detailed and precice data.
Meaning, there could be confirmations of inserts, in various areas, which fit somewhat well with the Standard Martrix.
More data comes in, and there are notes within this proposed matrix, that are issued regular.
Hmm... What's the story with the originals?
The numbers (FP/BP, serial numbers) and matrix analysis goes under way, to discover that they are in fact SNRs (which are much harder to identify).
For the $20s, since Feb 2007, at the time of release of BlackBoxMystery 1 and 2, my research, and others research, was pointing to the BABN having identicle 40/on, +5/on mini ream for not just the $5s, but also the $10s, and $20s, and the evidence was also pointing towards the same for the $50s, and $100s. Note: I moved away from Edmonton before I could conduct enough research on the upper demoninational bills.
What this did was remove the possibility of there being reams of 22,500, or 45, 000, or 90,000 and so on. The multiples of 45K were not complying with all research done on the notes.
Now, a significant change like this, can't hit "the books" until it is confirmed intensley, and wiith utmost accuracy. I postulate (love that word) that this is why there was such a delay. I sent my information regarding this in March/April 2007, re: "ALL" prefixed $20 inserts, who were at that time recorded as reams of 40,000. This is months after the research was introduced.
So, the most up to date information is utilised, but sometimes it takes sometime to be discovered. If it weren't for a three way chat between Oli, BWJM , and I, I never would have gotten the insane idea to map out the banknote sheets. The results have been great, because out information is way more precise than it has been in the past, and as well, there is a logical structure created, where positions of regular notes, inserts, bricks and sheets can all be determined with a very high degree of certainty.
The point is, a replacement note becomes an SNR, after it has been logically proven to not be a possible sheet replacement, and it is confirmed as such by enough valid sources.
Thankfully now we have a base (standard matrix) in which to relate the data. Believe me, it helps.
I have never owned or found any of the said $20 insert ranges which have been recently changed in Gilles List.
Have a great day everyone!