have in my small collection.1954 1dollar billef 5836271.beattie &raminsky,fair to good,also1973 1 dollar bill bfg3081437,WILSON &BOWEY<vg-vg###,1954 2 dollard hg398870,BOWEY &ROMINSKY.g-vg, a 1986 2 dollard, arf8589158,WILSON &BOWEY,VG-VG##,also cbh1464458(2 dollard)THIESSEN &CROW,VG-VG##,10 dollard1954,HT8675296,BEATTIE &ROMINNESKY,g-vg,also 1989 10.00BEG1053742,KNIGHT&BLUM?
?, VG-VG###,1986 5.00HBN4769769KNIGHT & WOODS, this bill isshort cut on the left side & has a new bar(blue)starting,on the right side,VG- VG#####, hope you can help me in any way, THANKS