Ok.. I think I have this right and I have included a Scan of the note I have. Bottom note is for reference to length as the bottom note is regular size.

I assume this would be a E25i - Out of Register by up to 25%.
I know its not a HUGE Error but it is longer than a regular note and you can clearly see the beginning of another note.
That being said... would this note also Fall into the E26 Section of "Error Replacement Notes"??
I would not expect a Huge premium increase but since Replacement notes are Supposed to Replace Error notes this shouldn't happen to often.
Anyone want to Put a rough guess on value of this note? It is in Original AU I would say since it has a counting crease which is easily scene and has a soft corner (lower left).
Any guestimate values would be greatly appreciate. I don't plan on selling it since I just got it.

By my bad math I was thinking in the approx $150 range? Is this right?
$125 X 80% = $100 X 150% = $150?