I agree. Also, there was heavy duplication of several rare notes, e.g., fourteen (14) 1900/1902 $4 notes, nine (9) 1935 $25 notes, seven (7) 1935 $50 notes and nine (9) 1935 $100 notes. An amazing offering for sure! However, there is obviously an upper limit to the number of rare notes that the market can absorb at one time. Usually we only encounter one, two or three of these notes in any single auction.
I agree with that completely! And out of all those rare notes they had for sale at the auction, the amount that actually sold was very low. two of the fourteen 1900/1902 $4 notes sold. None of the nine 1935 $25 notes sold. One of the seven 1935 $50 notes sold. And again, None of the 1935 $100 notes sold. Yes, the Torex auction did have alot of great items for sale, but why did none of them sell?
When I was looking through Icollector's site after the auction ended I was very surprised to see how many of the notes did not sell. I would guess maybe 20-25% of all lots in Session 1 actually sold.
Not to change the topic but but..... did the RS $5 Test Notes (#883) 25-Jun-2009 PCGS Unc-62 sale? if it did do you know at what price? 
Yes, This note did sell at the auction. It sold for $4,602.00 including the buyers premium. Looks like that was a good deal, considering its estimate of $5,800-$6,000. I just noticed that the lot sold for its staring price.