Topic: New 1935 French Registers  (Read 7914 times)
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« on: October 06, 2010, 09:13:34 pm »


The CPMWiki team has decided to create more 1935 French text note registers. There will be three new registers that are going to be added to the Wiki site, the new register's will be the $2, $5, and $10 notes.

If you own one of these notes, or have seen one sell, could you please email the information to:


Update: All of the $2 French notes that were just listed in the Sep. 2010 CPMS Newsletter will be added.

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« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2010, 10:47:30 pm »

For something to be copyrighted it has to be a creative work.  A simple list cannot copyrighted.  Eg list of movies/year/actors/director etc, video games/publisher, grocery list.

So if you had a list of movies with synopsis that you wrote then it would be subject to copyright.

I don't that that a new list of notes would be copyrightable especially if gathered from multiple sources and compiled.

BTW what is the copyright status of the CPM Forums and the Wiki.  I don't think that I have seen it defined anywhere.  Being an open forum would it be safe to assume that everything posted falls into the public domain.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2010, 10:49:01 pm by ShareBear »

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« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2010, 05:25:07 pm »

I assume that putting these registers online after they were originally published in the CPMS Newsletter is kosher?  In other words, was permission from the right people obtained?  I've been stonewalled in my attempts to obtain permission to create online registers of other rare notes...  ???

The CPMWiki has permission to use the register's on the site.

Update: We will also be using the 1935 $10 French notes register from the June 2010 CPMS Newsletter.


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