Topic: missing bpn?  (Read 7073 times)
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« on: August 09, 2009, 05:24:09 pm »

Hello all I'm looking for help on the $5 bird series. After much reading of the charlton guide on yellow BPN,s for series EOA-EOG I am unable to locate the yellow BPN in the appropriate location. What i did find is a blue BPN hidden in the shrub below the beak of the kingfisher. Since the guide comments on only yellow BPN,s would a blue BPN be considered a replacement note?  My second question is in regards to the EPW series. If i am reading the guide right the EPW is considered to be a good over because of the blue BPN, so, could a blue BPN in the EOA series be considerd a good over?  Thanks in advance for any help you could provide.     
               P.S.  I am unable to provide a photo of this bill because it is not mine.
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« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2009, 06:38:43 pm »

Welcome to the forums!

The yellow BPNs are EXTREMELY difficult to read with the naked eye. They are slightly legible under decent magnification, but generally it is easiest to read the yellow BPNs by photocopying the note, or scanning it into your computer and manipulating the colours in Photoshop.

Blue BPNs are normal beginning with EOH 2600000. They are not replacement notes. Replacement notes in this series were ENX, FNX, ANX, and the GOT, GOV, GPH, ANH, GPZ and HNA insert ranges.

The EPW good-overs are all known to have blue BPNs, not yellow. If you were to find an EPW note (or any note after EOH2600000) with a yellow BPN, this would constitute a previously-unknown variety and should be reported in detail here on the forums.

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« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2009, 07:04:22 pm »

Hi there,  thanks for the clarification i'll have a harder look at the bill under magnification later this week.   All photos iv'e seen with the yellow BPN appeared to be quite faint, so this is probably the case with this bill. If i find anything unusual i'll post again next sunday......      CHEERS!!

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