I already made a such list few years ago. There even few taboo prefix, such GOD (in the 5$ Bird serie), and BUM (in the bird 2$) which were never released, whereas GOC, GOE were printed, as well as BUL and BUN...ANd I did'n restrictes the list to the French and English words, but in other languages as well (as far I can find their meaning). I didn't care about if the word was a noun, a verb, an surname, but not the acronyms. The dictinnary was quite useful to find if a prefix could form a noun.
For example, in the 5$, I found 12 French words, 32 English word and 7 others words not of English origin, but can be uses (example: GOA which is a state in India). Maybe I missed some words, but it's already a good list.