A superb note by any standards, especially in Beattie-Coyne format! Just gotta luv those WIDE EVEN MARGINS!!
Other #0000003 Beattie-Coyne notes were of course issued, i.e., with prefixes F/E, G/E, H/E, I/E, K/E, L/E & M/E. However, whether or not those other #0000003 notes have survived to the present day is another matter entirely.
I came to Canada from Britain in 1968, at which time the Beattie-Rasminsky signature notes had already been in circulation for six or seven years. I found the pictorial designs on the backs of the 1954 Canadian notes to be a true joy to behold in comparison with the very conservative and rather dull Bank of England note designs. I recall that even in 1968 the $20 denomination was the most commonly encountered note in circulation, just as it is today. I have no way of telling exactly, but I would estimate that Happy_Philosopher's J/E 0000003 note was placed into circulation around 1959 which would therefore make it about 47 years old!
I owned a serial #0000001 $1 1954 Beattie-Rasminsky note in Unc at one time (can't remember the prefix though) and I sold it for $200 at the monthly Ottawa coin & stamp show sometime around 1980. The buyer subsequently reported that his apartment had been broken into and that his collection of paper money and coins had been stolen (the apartment manager was strongly suspected). That same note is presumably out there somewhere right now and its present owner would have no idea whatsoever that he/she is in possession of "stolen property"! If only walls could talk .......
« Last Edit: September 29, 2006, 10:32:34 pm by Ottawa »
" Buy the very best notes that you can afford and keep them for at least 10 years. " (Richard D. Lockwood, private communication, 1978).