I know someone mentioned this item before in another post but I can't believe the price this item has reached.
The 1954 $1 *A/A B-R Note is now up over $140!!
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=120232216183&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=002I believe one of you members asked the person if they realize they are selling the note with incorrect PMG information when it was graded and they stated "It is a RARE PMG Error"??
Its bad enough that PMG Got the Serial Number Wrong, Signatures Wrong and Charlton number wrong.. But even the Seller is listing the wrong BC Number in the Auction information.
The note is worth about $20 or so max since it is a Beattie-Ram and not a Beattie-Coyne..
If people are ready to pay this kinda of money for an error.. I am going to send all my 1954 $2 G/R notes into PMG.. maybe one will come back as a Test Note..