Finally got hold of the latest GPM catalog. For polymer notes the following grade descriptions are provided:
GEM UNC and CHOICE UNC - polymer notes must be scratch-free on the surface and the clear windows, Clear polymer windows must not have hairline scratches.
UNC - polymer notes can show very minimal hairline scratches on the surface and on the clear windows
There is one demerit point for scratch in a UNC note.
AU - polymer notes will have some hairline scratches on the surface and the clear windows
All of the above deal only with hairline scratches. I would say hairline is less than a 0.2mm or the width of signature lettering.
The GPM says in
bold letters that:
from this point on, polymer and the clear polymer windows will have hairline scratches" and the point they are referring to is a grade of EF and below.
I am looking forward to seeing a GEM UNC note meeting the standard set out in the GPM.
Although I have my doubts if the standard for GEM or CHOICE UNC as described in the GPM can be achieved simply based on the manner in which the notes are produced I am willing to accept that maybe at the brick searching stage some can find these notes. But doesn't someone in the production stage go through the notes after they are cut so as to replace them with SNR's if individual notes are found to be below quality?
In any case lets assume that those that are selling GEM or CHOICE UNC in $100 denominations have gotten it presumably from bricks. Isn't that about $100,000 worth of notes in a brick of $100's? But what about SNR and GEM UNC. Is that even possible? Given that SNR's are set aside and then they are individually handled etc.
And I thought that a common person could access these bricks at $100,000 a pop.

I am surprised that the BOC does not want to get into the business of selling GEM/CHOICE UNC bills seeing that there is premium of 10-20% on regular notes and 350-600% on SNR GEM-UNC's. I think it is a sure fire way to cut our country's deficit and maybe make the hobby more widespread. Besides they can at least ensure a scratch free note