Topic: Imprints on older notes  (Read 7685 times)
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« on: February 02, 2014, 01:10:04 pm »

Hi All:

What was the purpose of imprints on banknotes?  The only things I can think of are advertising and maybe production info? (Advertising to whom, other governments, but I think that might be a stretch.)

Any one know of any other reason for imprints on notes?



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« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2014, 09:41:05 pm »

Just a guess here, but back in that time period, remember that chartered banks throughout North America were issuing notes as well.  I don't have exact numbers, but the banknote printing was big business with lots of players, both customers and suppliers.  It gets even bigger when you include banknote-like scrip from merchants, municipalities, etc.  Today, the market has shrunk significantly with the elimination of note issuing privileges to banks in all but a few examples, and the consolidation of the security printing industry with acquisitions, bankruptcies, and other corporate actions.  The days of merchant and municipal scrip are over, at least in any recognizable form compared to what they were at the time.  They players are now few and everyone knows each other and what they print, so there is no need to add imprints to bank notes.

But I could be completely wrong.  Anyone have any other ideas?
« Last Edit: February 02, 2014, 09:44:03 pm by BWJM »

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« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2014, 10:28:22 am »

Imprints survived on Canadian Tire Money at least up to the 1990s and still exist in the selvage of postage stamps today. I've always thought of imprints as advertising, much like the "union label". Perhaps the security printers' clients can pay extra to have the imprint omitted.

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