Topic: $100 - Polymers v/s Journey - Nos of Prefixes  (Read 8447 times)
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« on: October 22, 2014, 10:30:23 pm »

I was comparing the number of prefixes issued for $100 Journey v/s the number of prefixes issued so far for $100 Polymer.

There were 36 prefixes for journey and
To date there are already 38 prefixes for Polymer

If you take out EKZ which seems to have gone missing for some reason then you still have 37 Polymer prefixes v/s 36 Journey prefixes for the $100 denomination.

If one assumes that the remaining 6 prefixes within the range of FKA to FKZ which are currently not issued will eventually show up then we will have 44 prefixes (43 without EKZ) for Polymer v/s 36 for Journey (Not all journey $100 were 10 million run).

Journey ran from 2003 to 2011 and Polymer started in 2011 and slated to run till 2017.

So not only do we have more polymer notes but they will also be running for shorter time. Of course this is crude math but even accounting for such differences there seems to be a level of magnitude difference.

In 2010 presumably the biggest time for $100 journey notes there were approximately 300 million $100 note outstanding. Assuming that the majority of these were journeys this would account for an equivalent of 30 prefixes worth of those notes.

In February 2014 there were 350 million $100 notes in circulation or about 17% more than in 2010. Maybe by 2017 we will have 420 million notes in circulation and that would make the 44 Polymer prefixes just about the right amount.

It will be interesting to see if there will be anything past FKZ.

Wonder what paper money would say if it could talk?
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« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2014, 10:12:24 pm »

It will be interesting to see if there will be anything past FKZ.

I don't see why there wouldn't be. We have several years to go before we change series and it doesn't mean the first den. of the next series will be the $100.  I expect fairly soon we will see prefix GKA-GK-- in circulation.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2014, 10:14:52 pm by JB-2007 »

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