Topic: Polymer banknotes from cutting to packaging  (Read 10415 times)
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« on: July 28, 2017, 12:29:38 am »

Here is a video showing the production of the latest Australian banknotes.

I am providing a link that starts the video at where the banknotes go from sheets to bricks. It briefly mentions the process of inspection which is similar to Single Note Inspection.

The reason for me to share this video is to bring to light the process which is so highly automated. I am presenting this in context of some of the discussions around insert notes.

Those who have seen bricks from BoC will relate to the final brick packaging which is shown in this video. The BoC bricks are essentially packaged into two half bricks with a transparent cellophane strap around each of the half bricks. A smilar thing can be seen in this video of Australian notes.

Those interested in some of the design considerations and the application of the foil can see the footage of the video from the beginning.

Wonder what paper money would say if it could talk?

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