I apologize if it seems that I have been absent for the past few months. I've been working on a lot of stuff behind the scenes and haven't forgotten about the suggestions that were given with regards to the SNDB. I have been working on a major update of "The Notes" with the eventual goal of merging the SNDB code into "The Notes" section. Updating the SNDB code has been a lower priority for this reason since it will go through a very thorough review in the near future.
Does anyone have any objection to making 100% of the data public? Usernames on the SNDB have been hidden for some reason that I'm not fully aware of. I'm assuming that if you had anything to hide you would either use a pseudonym or not enter the notes in the first place. I think it will make things more friendly and simpler to manage if all notes entered are public along with usernames and city, prov as they were entered. It might also help to know who entered the data to be able to judge how reliable the data is or to be able to communicate with the user directly if you suspect an error.
Please give your input and let me know if this is a bad idea.