Topic: Do "bracket" notes add value to radar?  (Read 12756 times)
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« on: December 03, 2003, 04:39:10 pm »

My Bank friends held out another "radar" for me today and indicated they also held out the preceeding and following notes as well because someone had indicated it may add to the value of the "radar" note.

I indicated I had never heard of the "bracket note theory" but accepted the three notes and said I would check with my CPMF friends. (This particular note was a basic four digit radar and there may be some confusion with notes bracketing say a two digit).

Any thoughts/comments ?


Kelly b.
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« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2003, 05:09:34 pm »

Hi Eastguy.

I've heard of people saving the notes on either side of a radar, but I have never heard of anybody paying extra for them.  Charlton does not mention them at all, thus according to the "bible", they do not have a premium attached.

Personally, I don't see the point either.  A radar is only special because of the number sequence.  The notes on either side are not radars, and thus everyday-ordinary notes.  The "bookend" notes are not required to "prove" you have a radar, so they serve no purpose other than to show that you got your radar out of a brick of notes.  So what?  That won't change how it is graded or how much of a premium it would command.

I say spend the "bookends", or better yet, use them to invest in other notes!   :)

That is one man's opinion.

There is a thin line between 'hobby' and 'mental illness'.
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« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2003, 11:18:44 pm »

Hi Kelly

As a further update on this topic, there was a seller on ebay (where else?) that was offering to also send the two bracketing notes to the successful bidder on a Journey $5 radar.......for an additional $5 premium. The auction closed last night. Mystery solved !

Now, if we could get Charlton catalogue to recognize the "value" of these bracket notes.........hmmmmmmm


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« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2003, 04:20:40 am »

as an avid radar collector..practically my only real interest now is radars, both Canadian and world radars, I can honestly (*in my opinion) state that the preceeding and following notes to a radar, hold zero interest for me.....however: if one could find say
aa0001000, then aa1001001, then 1101011,,now that would be interesting indeed.

but 0000999, 0001000, 0001001,,whats the point???
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« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2003, 12:49:49 pm »

Consider the fact that sequence notes sell better as unc than a separte unc note. Not because they are better but because the series of notes shows that they were in fact taken from a stack. I know this is not allways the fact but it can loosen some buyers wallets.
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« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2003, 03:17:30 am »

But the "radar" note itself would be the selling point...a radar collector would not want? the other two notes,,,and if it was me I would either spend them,,or sell them....depending on what they of course if someone wanted to sell Osborne (any denomination) sequential with a radar..that would be worth looking at,,,but would there be any significant price break .. 3 osbornes,,,1 is a radar...sequential...which is the determining factor on a realistic price? each taken individually add to the overall price? hard arg..impossible for me .. but an interesting flight of fancy LOL

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