Here is what a proper unbroken brick looks like from the bank. TAKE NO IMPOSTERS!
Many people refer to bundles of a hundred notes as a brick, not true. If the brick is not wrapped properly with white bands it may have been handled by the tellers and therefore any information gathered is irrelevant. Likewise, if the bundles have brown papers on them, especially with stamp imprints, they have definitely been handled by a branch member and once again the information is irrelevant. I just wanted to post this in order to clarify what bricks are and what they look like, many people - as I once was, are misinformed on bricks.
I certainly agree with eyevet about proper documentation and believe that when documenting one should include: serial numbers, presumed inserts and location, printed dates, front and back position numbers. The most important bricks to document are the one with inserts and ones that are mixed up in order. The other boring bricks are fairly senseless to copy down - maybe once or twice - but I mean when you go through several bricks and they all look the same why bother?
Enjoy the picture!