Topic: Note Registries - What's In, What's Not.  (Read 9346 times)
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« on: August 26, 2006, 09:59:54 pm »

By the way has anybody seen the *NY registry, I believe I last saw it under the "Other registries/ 1954" page.

About a month ago I pitched in to help Brent with starting up a bunch of new note registries.  As you can see we have added quite a bit of information - in particular the Devils face asterisk notes and a bunch of Dominion notes.  In some cases we had start up information - typically from the CPMS newsletters, and I added to that information by scouring through the last couple of years of auction catalogues.   I did start an *N/Y registry along with *U/T and *B/V and a few others.  For these we had no start up information.  I did manage to gather some data on the *A/M notes through auction catalogues and the the thread on this forum where some people posted their serial numbers.  Brent & I decided to can the *N/Y, *U/T and *B/V registries for the time being because we had very little information to start with, and in all liklihood the list may grow rather large once the data is collected.   Tom on the other hand, suggested that we should track *L/S, *N/S, *I/X etc as in his experience these notes are scarcer than realized.  Another factor to consider as we decide what to track and what not to track is manpower, as considerable time is needed to create these lists and keep them updated.  

So CPMF members - it's your chance to weigh in:  
1. What should we track, and what should we not track?
2. Are you willing to help maintain a particular list or two.

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« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2006, 10:57:34 pm »

I think that the registeries are very usefull and will eventually help us solving some unanswered questions. They should only be reserved for rare notes in which information remains unknown (highs/lows/changeover point). With that being said i think it might also be good to start a registry for the 1937 gordon-towers narrow signature pannel notes. That is prefix H/A and prefix J/A. It is still not known today how many of these still exist. Highest notes reported? Lowest reported? Of course as everyone knows, they are two of the rarest for 1937 prefixes.
So if a registery is started for H/A and J/A i can contribute my two numbers/scans.

Perhaps also a registery would also be usefull for the EPW crow-Bouey/HNB Bonin-Thiessen.
Unlike the EET Annomaly, EPW/HNB still have no defined change-over points and both are extremely rare.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2006, 11:07:00 pm by JB105 »
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« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2006, 11:03:15 pm »

if you ever want to start up these registries I believe alot of people in this forum would come up with some serial numbers
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« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2006, 11:19:18 pm »

I would be more then happy to maintain a few lists. Here is an idea. We could have a section in the forum with a list of Members along with their contact information (email) and the variety note(s) which they are tracking. Then when anyone finds a serial number they can send the information to that member so that they can update that particular list for everyone. Breaking it down like that would allow everyone to have a part and wouldn't cause anyone one person's brain to explode!......I would like to see the following tracked: 1989 T/C BDH, 1991 K/T AWM among others.  
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« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2006, 11:22:47 pm »

if you need someone to watch the 54 stuff I would be willing
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« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2006, 11:49:27 pm »

That being said....anything Journey is my passion. Heck I'll do all the notes that might be tracked within the Journey series.
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« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2006, 04:49:16 am »

I would volunteer for the J/A H/A Prefix registry if needed.
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« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2006, 09:56:33 pm »

if you need someone to watch the 54 stuff I would be willing

I think there are enough replacement/test note mysteries in this 54 series to keep a few minds occupied.  I would even say this would be the case for the Journey (besides BEL and 2003 BER, I think 03-BEK and BEP should be tracked), and Birds series.  

Anyway, count me in as a registry tracker if you need it.  I think it would be good to break it down to more specific registries that look at about 3 - 5 prefixes.  Perhaps one prefix could be more "reported" rarity like an *A/M combined with a less reported prefix  *N/Y and *O/I.   Maybe one person could be responsible for tests (someone with experience like eyevet would be nice - hint hint!) while another be responsible for "good-overs."

Anyway...some thoughts...
« Last Edit: August 27, 2006, 09:58:43 pm by walktothewater »


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