Topic: AOH and AOK - Confirmed Ranges  (Read 9589 times)
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« on: December 16, 2006, 08:45:44 am »

I spoke in detail with Gilles Pomerleau yesterday and he advised me that the following AOK and AOH ranges are now confirmed
.  These ranges will appear in his January 2007 list and will subsequently be uploaded to the Wiki site.

AOH     9.225M - 9.315M        90K  
AOH     9.495M - 9.585M        90K  

AOK     1.980M - 2.160M      180K  
AOK     2.835M - 2.880M        45K

The following ranges are "suspected ranges" but have yet to be confirmed:

AOH     9.855M - 9.900M        45K  

AOK     1.890M - 1.935M        45K

The AOH and AOK inserts are still being found across Canada so ranges could change or combine as future finds are reported.

Arthur Richards
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« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2007, 01:25:10 am »

Reported a new AOH low the other day.

Here's the relevant suspected insert info.

From a bundle of AOJ I found the following;

AOJ5245000, AOH1083969, AOH1083970, AOJ5245001, 02, 03, etc
The rest of the bundle was in sequence apart from the two missing notes.  One of the missing notes was AOJ5245099 but I didn't examine closely enough to determine the other missing note.

Has there not been any suspected inserts in this low range?

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« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2007, 10:50:13 pm »

There are 2 Confirmed ranges that I know of and 1 Suspected range even higher.

You are the first to find a possible low range AOH Insert. We will see if anyone else reports notes in the low range as well.

It is possible as these notes and the Insert ranges are still very new.  :)

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« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2007, 08:16:30 pm »

I'm looking at the "confirmed" insert ranges noted above and when I compare this to the confirmed inserts on the Wiki site I see that the range has indeed been scaled back.  The one that concerned me was the 9.495 - 9.585 which now appears to be a series of single note replacements.  I purchased an AOH insert which now appears to be not a insert.  Can someone help me as to whether or not my note is in fact an insert?

AOH 9551xxx FP 79 BP 75

I also found an AOH that was on the outside of the 9.585 range (I kept it just in case)

AOH 95858xx FP 97 BP 86

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« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2007, 11:09:48 pm »

Your AOH9551xxx is indeed a single note replacement (SNR).

This range was initially established as the AOH (9.549M - 9.550M) 1000 note range.  As additional SNR finds
were made in an adjoining 1000 note range this SNR range was extended to 2000 and finally to the existing
3000 note range.

The Wiki site still shows the range as AOH (9.549M - 9.550M) based on Gilles Pomerleau's May 1st list of
confirmed replacement ranges.  Since May 1st Gilles has expanded this range to AOH (9.549M - 9.552M).
The Wiki site is updated bi-monthly when Gilles' official list is published.  The next update of the Wiki site will
occur shortly after Gilles' July 1st list is released.

As a regular brick searcher I am on the phone with Gilles Pomerleau 2 - 3 times a week.  During these calls
Gilles will update me on any new or extended replacement ranges.  I try to update fellow collectors as quickly
as possible of any new information by publishing it on the forum.


Arthur Richards
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« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2007, 08:03:04 am »

 :oI better keep that one then... :o

A little more scarce than I thought.
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« Reply #6 on: May 19, 2007, 11:42:03 am »

Yes, As has been covered MANY times, the Wiki site ONLY lists ranges that HAVE BEEN PUBLISHED. This is a standard policy so there may be conflicts in what you hear and what is listed. There is so much being discovered all the time so it is a good idea to try and stay on top of the information and ask for clarification from Senior Members for the most up to date ranges.  :)

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« Reply #7 on: May 19, 2007, 11:49:27 am »

Senior Members,
Are there listings of how many SNRs have been found within each range?
I've seen a recent claim on the internet indicating only 7 SNRs have been found within that given range and I'm wondering how it is possible to substantiate that.
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« Reply #8 on: May 19, 2007, 12:21:57 pm »

It is difficult to get an accurate estimate or tally of how many SNRs are found in each range.  Most claims you
will see as to the number found are based on the initial information that is submitted by brick searchers in order
to confirm the existance of a range.

As an example,  If 3 seperate brick searchers report finding a new insert range and include the number
of notes they find as part of their reports, then Gilles will have this information in his records.  Once the
range is confirmed and published there is no recording mechanism in place to determine the number of
additional notes found by collectors or other brick searchers within the confirmed range.

As such, I would take with a grain of salt any claims as to the actual number found as it only relates to the initial
finds needed to confirm a range.  I am familiar with the claim being made on eBay presently for an AOH SNR
range that states only 7 notes have been found in this range.  That may be accurate based on the initial data
submitted to Gilles but I already now of several collectors who discovered they had notes from this same range
in their collection once they saw the range up on the Wiki site.

My view is that if the range is 1000 notes there is a possiblity that 1000 notes could be found.  I then gauge
market pricing on the size of the range and how often that  insert note appears on eBay, public auction or
is offered for sale privately.  It takes time for this information to be gathered and disseminated on the forum
and elsewhere.

The benefits of being the first one to purchase a particular note on eBay can be positive or negative.  Only
time will tell in many cases.

If you check the HPA registry on the Wiki site you will see that the first UNC HPA replacement sold on October 26th, 2006
at the bargain price of US $41.  No one knew at that time that this note would be as rare as it now has turned
out to be.  A lot of collectors don't want to miss an opportunity like that again and end up gambling on the
odds of a new insert being another HPA.  Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose when you make that
initial purchase within a newly discovered insert range.

Arthur Richards
Contributor, Charlton Catalogue of Canadian Government Paper Money, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd and 29th Edition
Pricing Panel Member, Charlton Catalogue of Canadian Government Paper Money, 21st Edition 2009

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