I have attached an image of an unredeemed $50 5-Year "Victory Loan" bond that was issued during World War I in 1917. Fully-issued unredeemed bonds are rarely seen today for obvious reasons although Specimen bonds (see below) appear from time to time. Hoping to receive reports of other surviving bonds, I wrote a detailed article on these interesting items in a 1975 issue of The Canadian Paper Money Journal (Vol. XI, No. 1, pp. 19-21 & 32) and a brief historical survey in the May 17, 1983 issue of Canadian Coin News (see below). I received no reports at all of other surviving examples although a few have come to light in recent years on eBay (Long Live eBay!). It should be noted that similar high-denomination "Victory Loan" bonds were also issued for World War II.
These bonds are visually impressive and they exemplify the great importance of the Dominion of Canada to the British war effort during World War I. I personally regard them to be closely related to paper currency and I hope the day will come when these historical fiscal instruments will be included in the Charlton catalogue in much the same way as the Bank Legals are now included. I would be pleased to correspond with any Forum members who possess any similar bonds.
[edit]Removed caps from title.[/edit]
« Last Edit: September 21, 2007, 12:43:44 pm by Ottawa »

" Buy the very best notes that you can afford and keep them for at least 10 years. " (Richard D. Lockwood, private communication, 1978).