Yes, that's what I meant... but I found this info saying:
"La Ville examine maintenant la possibilité de déposer le contenu de la caissette dans une boîte en acier inoxydable afin de replacer le tout sous le monument l'an prochain."
which means approximately...
"The city now examine the possibility of putting the content of the box in another one made of stainless steel and bury it back under the statue next year."
That means they would bury it back as it was, and where it was, but with the addition of a few objects from our time (I heard they were thinking about including messages written by some kids).
Personnaly, I would at least include the section of the newspaper saying "1$can = 0,95$US"

But I agree with Ottawa when he writes that they should put it in a museum.
How would rare buried notes be listed in the CPMS Rare Note Registers? "Institutionalized" or "Buried"?
Funny one!