Certainly an impressive display!
I would be wary of specifically noting that you're storing that size of a collection in your closet though...
As for myself, I don't have any nicely laid-out photos of my collection, but I do have my website at
http://currency.bwjm.ca where all of my notes are listed and some are even scanned.
For the most part, all notes are in plastic sleeves and stored in a safety deposit box at the bank. Some notes are kept at home, specifically low-value notes and most notes that I'm trying to sell. I used to have most of my nicer notes in a binder, but that took up too much space and I needed to get them out of the house for security purposes. Anything left at home is securely locked in a safe or two.
My sheet of $1 notes are framed and hanging on my wall.
I've been a serious collector for about 3 years as well, but I've had a small collection of some notes (nothing worth more than face value) since I was young.
I've also got webspace available if anyone needs a place to host images.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2004, 06:49:03 pm by BWJM »

Life Member of CPMS, RCNA, ONA, ANA, IBNS, WCS.
President, IBNS Ontario Chapter.
Treasurer, Waterloo Coin Society.
Show Chair, Cambridge Coin Show.
Fellow of the Ontario Numismatic Association.