Hi everybody. I just found out that as of later this month Ebay will no longer accept cheques or money orders as valid payment methods
They will only allow Paypal and credit/debit card payments via a merchant's seller account, along with Propay and payment in cash for local pickup.
What does everyone think? What happens to the teenage (or younger) collector who can suddenly no longer purchase goods? I would imagine that they will have to use a parent/guardian's credit card.
Another blatant cash grab from Ebay? I know that they get all of the Paypal fees.
I would also like to hear from the sellers. Does this make you less likely to use Ebay to sell goods? I have heard some horror stories about purchasers doing unfair clawpacks via Paypal, and Paypal being less than helpful.
Here is a link to Ebay's page discussing this: