Many members and guests of the Canadian Paper Money Forums have inquired about an updated listing of current
ranges for Journey Series replacement notes. The definitive list is maintained by Gilles Pomerleau.
Gilles tracks all reported and confirmed Journey Series replacement notes ranges and issues a semi-monthly newsletter
that he mails out to collectors on his mailing list. If you would like to receive this list, and stay up to date on all new
ranges, you can call him with your contact details and he will add you to his mailing list.
Please let him know that you are a CPMF member or guest and that you got his phone number from this forum posting.
Unfortunately, Gilles does not have email or Internet access, so you must call him by phone or send him correspondence
via Canada Post. His contact information is as follows:
Gilles Pomerleau
Box 673, Succ. Place de la Cité
Sherbrooke, Québec
J1H 5K5
Phone: (819) 878-3517

Arthur Richards
Contributor, Charlton Catalogue of Canadian Government Paper Money, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd and 29th Edition
Pricing Panel Member, Charlton Catalogue of Canadian Government Paper Money, 21st Edition 2009