Hi everyone, I am very pleased to see how the note research is going ahead further and further.
Here is the timeline:
a) December 2007: Hudson makes bet with Oli and BWJM that he can figure out the position layout of sheets.
b) February 2008: BlackBoxMystery-01 and -02 are published online, identifying the layout for both BAI and CBN, documenting mostly the process by which it was arrived.
c) Refinements to previously understood insert ranges are made, placing the ranges within compatibility based on the new data (the insert notes were always found as inserts, so they of course remained in the zones). From one Catalogue to the next (2006 to 2007), it was discussed that there were 88 refinements/corrections made, many of which as a direct result of our collective discoveries on printing/numbering based on BBM-01.
d) Soon after that, further research in great depth is done with regards to the oddity of the "mini-ream", by Mr. Marschner. The conclusions have been discussed at length and they do not contradict the findings from BlackBoxMystery, other independent findings on position number placement, but rather Mr Marschner's work supports those articles and even further identify the process in which the notes come about. This is excellent news for the insert/replacement note segment of the hobby, and a huge unifying accomplishment amongst hobbyists and note enthusiasts.
e) Most recently, $10 printed on $20 paper has now surfaced, and the real search begins to identify how many of these notes could potentially exist, and how many have been found. As a part of this, a core understanding of Mr. Marchner's mini ream placement must be understood, so that errant conclusions are not made. An improper understanding of the "mini reams" could lead to an errant conclusion with regard to population of these notes.
e) Several people have banded together for the good of the hobby, sharing information about these errors, and have now paired that with the model that Mr. Marschner has built, which has been developed from my own BlackBoxMystery papers. While we are not at a closing point of absolute population identification, we are able to trace the reams and ream positions in accordance to Mr. Marschner's model, in such a way that the precise numerical ranges can now be identified, as new ones surface.
Previous evidence showing two separate prefixes on a sheet In the prefixes(BEU, BEV, and BEW) is further demonstrated according to this new model, and this event is not denied by the BoC. The main consecutive 40,000 being one, and the last 5000 consecutive being another.
The understanding of the placement of the mini ream FP/BP combinations is absolutely critical in identifying the precise group of 40,000 notes in which those numbers share the same sheets.
And here is where we are today. This incredibly important breakthrough, which has resulted from countless hours of research and collaboration by many members and enthusiasts, is something that can help us in all denominations from BAI (formerly BABN).
This is why I am asking, for the good of the hobby, that people report all notes they possibly can, that have the FP/BP from the mini ream. By identifying where the mini reams are, we can identify the placement of the regular 40,000 note placement per ream. We can also further find boundaries, and also places where number gaps have been skipped, and also possibly identify some other irregularities.
As it stands, with regards to the phenomenon of "mini-reams", all denominations from BAI ONLY (that is notes starting with A or B) are following the model that has been derived from BlackBoxMystery, and Mr. Marchner's further work on developing that.
I would ask that if you find any notes that are from the "mini-ream", please report them to me in a private message. All denominations, all prefixes, but ONLY from BAI (notes starting with prefixes A or B). If you have the ability to specialize in a certain high denomination, please do so. All information will be public information, and for the benefit to all collectors. I can't think of a more exciting time in my past when so many people could work together for something so important, and all be a part of it.
I think that is all I wanted to say for now, please everyone, I greatly appreciate all the help. If I see the fervor as in the BTT BTU (which I hope, cross fingers), then we will have an excellent data set to go by, going forward until our next mystery is out, the new series of bills, in a couple of years.
Thanks everyone and have an excellent day.