Hi collectors,
This is my last discovery about large ''B'' in the prefix BGJ.In the past I let information about the prefix I found:
BGJ1117111 two large''B''
BGJ3665052 one large ''B''(right)
This is the two new large ''B'' I found in the show this week-end at Mtl.(Nuphilex):
BGJ0004138 one large ''B''(right)
BGJ0845290 one large ''B''(right)
The dealer do not take attention about this variety and he sold me this notes like a regular one.A c.p.m.s. member have:
BGJ0806468 one large ''B''(right)
BGJ2074207 one large ''B''(right)
This prefix with one large ''B''.are only at the right??? :-/
And the large ''B'' at the left was seen only on BGL and BGP prefix??? :-?
I have a list about the BG? prefix without large ''B'' I found at different show or on e-bay or with other collectors on this site since one year.If someone have information or discovery to let us know about this variety it will be apreciated.Specially me.

You can contact me by e-mail:cbeaulieu1@videotron.ca