Topic: Coins picked from circulation  (Read 252116 times)
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« Reply #315 on: July 11, 2014, 05:48:44 pm »

here is the picture...

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« Reply #316 on: July 11, 2014, 08:07:25 pm »


I had a fantastic day at the bank today...Picked up some nickel dollars and fifty cent pieces but also a nice load of banknotes!

$1000 bill 1988
2 x EFA multicoloured $50s both have writing on them :(
5 x 1979 $20 with one "516" replacement!  Too bad it's the one with a huge teller stamp and writing on it!  :(
1 x 1973 $1
1 x 1976 US $2

Check it out!

  Awesome finds Dean!  Definitely a few nice pieces you got there and like you said too bad some of the rarer ones have writing and junk on them  :(.  But still cool being able to have them!

  Also I got another 60$ in nickels this week and here is what I found:

Pre 1981: 38 + 5x1964  1x1961
1982-2000: 80

American: 9

2000 P: 1
Foreign: 2006 New Zealand 20 cent coin

  First time I've gotten a coin from New Zealand so that was pretty cool  :)  And surprisingly I also got 3 dimes too  ???
  How does one even mistakenly put a dime in a roll of nickels they aren't even close to the size of the nickel!

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« Reply #317 on: July 20, 2014, 11:23:43 am »

  How does one even mistakenly put a dime in a roll of nickels they aren't even close to the size of the nickel!
Hi PoP,

I think that sometimes people mindlessly shove coins into the wrapper when they clean out their stash...Overall, I find that I am often SHORT a coin or two...(see post on short rolls) rather than UP any money.

Lately, my finds have been sparse with regards to pre 1970 nickels.  I hope that trend will change soon...

Happy Hunting!


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« Reply #318 on: July 20, 2014, 12:13:53 pm »

It always pays to be nice to strangers... ;D
I was in Orillia on Saturday and as I was walking out of the gas bar an older fellow was standing on the sidewalk cursing as his brown paper bag broke open onto the payment ....everyone was passing by because of the rain, but I was already wet from pumping gas so I went over to help him pick up his items that came out of the bag ....15 rolls of quarters and the one wrapper that came apart looked like it was all silver ...I asked him were he was headed assuming he was going to a coin store to sell them but he answered to the $@%%# bank, but it was already closed....went to the atm in the gas bar gave him $150 and pulled over to the side street. 7 rolls nothing 8 rolls all 64 and under ....finally can get that brake job on the car :)
You just never know what's coming around the corner ...but it was the first time I got screwed for using a bank machine that charged me 3 bucks for a withdrawl :D

Always looking for #1 serial number notes in any denomination/any series
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« Reply #319 on: July 21, 2014, 12:40:27 pm »

It always pays to be nice to strangers... ;D
I was in Orillia on Saturday and as I was walking out of the gas bar an older fellow was standing on the sidewalk cursing as his brown paper bag broke open onto the payment ....everyone was passing by because of the rain, but I was already wet from pumping gas so I went over to help him pick up his items that came out of the bag ....15 rolls of quarters and the one wrapper that came apart looked like it was all silver ...I asked him were he was headed assuming he was going to a coin store to sell them but he answered to the $@%%# bank, but it was already closed....went to the atm in the gas bar gave him $150 and pulled over to the side street. 7 rolls nothing 8 rolls all 64 and under ....finally can get that brake job on the car :)
You just never know what's coming around the corner ...but it was the first time I got screwed for using a bank machine that charged me 3 bucks for a withdrawl :D

Hey Squid,
Nice find!
Sometimes the stars line up just right eh?  It was good of you to help out that stranger and you got some silver to boot!  The bullion value will more than cover the $3 fee...Make sure you check 'em all for rarities...  :)


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« Reply #320 on: July 22, 2014, 02:59:05 am »

If I had seen that there was silver in the roll that broke open I would have told him that he had something worth more than face value and made an offer to look through the coins and buy the silver at a decent price.

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« Reply #321 on: July 22, 2014, 11:16:08 am »

7 rolls nothing 8 rolls all 64 and under ....

  I can only dream of getting a silver score like that, congrats!  :)  The only time I get lucky with finding silver is by looking in the reject tray of the coinstar machines in grocery stores and even then its extremely rare if I find anything in them!

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« Reply #322 on: July 22, 2014, 12:09:06 pm »

If I had seen that there was silver in the roll that broke open I would have told him that he had something worth more than face value and made an offer to look through the coins and buy the silver at a decent price.
And I suppose if a bank teller gave you a solid serial # 8888888 you would tell them what it was worth and make them an offer over face value.... :-X
Or if you worked in a retail store and someone gave you a few silver coins to pay for the item you would tell them what they are worth  :-\
It's like saying ever dealer out there is Really telling people what they have...what it is worth...and how much they should get....and in this case I think it is unfair to a customer if they don't....

Always looking for #1 serial number notes in any denomination/any series
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« Reply #323 on: July 23, 2014, 02:17:55 pm »

  Hi everyone, here are my finds from 40$ in nickels.

Pre 1981: 24 + 1x1964  1x1963
1982-2000: 90

American: 5

2000 P: 2

  Not that many older ones but I'll happily take this as its better than finding rolls with nothing but year 2000+ coins in them.

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« Reply #324 on: August 01, 2014, 08:13:34 pm »

  Hi everyone,  here are the results from searching 40$ in nickels.

Pre 1981: 32 + 3x1964  1x1942 (nickel not tombac)
1982-2000: 81

American: 11

2000 P: 0

  A decent batch I guess, its nice getting a King George VI nickel.  :)

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« Reply #325 on: August 20, 2014, 06:35:00 pm »

  Hi all, here are my finds from 60$ in nickels.

Pre 1981: 35 + 2x1964  1x1961 1x1947 Maple Leaf
1982-2000: 66

American: 14 + 1x1957 D

2000 P: 3
Foreign: 2012 British 20 pence

  Some pretty decent finds I would say.  Has anyone else been coin roll hunting recently?  :)

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« Reply #326 on: November 22, 2014, 09:08:20 am »

I found one lonely 1966 nickel in a coin roll yesterday.

I also found three pennies on the floor of the subway platform on my way home...:)


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« Reply #327 on: December 23, 2014, 08:24:57 am »

I had the chance to search $20 in nickels yesterday.

Here are the results:

3 x 1965-69
11 x 1970-79
1 x 1981
17 x 1982-89
16 x 1990-99

USA:  x9
1 x 1992
5 x 2005

I really miss searching pennies...The nickels offer far fewer opportunities for interesting finds due to the alloy recovery program.  Searching quarters and dimes is futile these days and my luck with loonie and toonie rolls is not so great.
(although I did find a nice 1995 peace dollar the other day, not from a roll, but from circulation.)

I guess I'll have to make it up in volume  :)


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« Reply #328 on: May 20, 2015, 11:23:12 am »

2014 circulation coins mintage totals:

5¢    66,364,000
10¢ 153,450,000
25¢ 97,440,000
$1 Loon 20,945,000
$1 Lucky Loon 4,033,000
$2 Regular 11,305,000
$2 Daddy 5,000,000
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« Reply #329 on: May 21, 2015, 07:37:26 pm »

I recently picked up a 2015 loonie. I could not help but notice that the finish on it is much more eye catching than the finishes on the prior years with similar designs.

Anyone else feel the same?

Wonder what paper money would say if it could talk?

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