Hi everyone, yes I agree this thread got complicated very quickly.
I will simplify it, and start with delivering in part what is sought out:
Dear fellow collectors (Jan 24, 2007),
Here are some of the new confirmed insert ranges, which have not been published as of yet. They will be on future lists. Some of this information is as new as today, as per direct conversation with GP himself.
a) EZL 8.8 and area -- this is a ream that is 360,000 notes, likely to be 8640000 - 9000000.
These inserts ARE CONFIRMED according to direct phone conversation with GP.
b) EZR 9.72 - 9.99. These are inserts, skip numbered by 6000, making them a ream of 270,000.
THESE ARE CONFIRMED according to direct phone conversation with GP.
c) AOH 9.45 which falls outside of the most recently published range:
THIS IS ALSO CONFIRMED to now be in the range, according to direct phone conversation with GP. Reams of BABN $5s are of 40,000 notes, so adjust the existing range downwards by 40,000.
There is another high range of inserts I found that has not officially been confirmed by enough findings. It is $20s by CBN. PM if you would like to know.
To emphasize a few major points of concern with x-saviors post:
The Reason I say keep them separate is that people need to know the difference between ACTUAL Inserts and PROPOSED Inserts.
This (actual vs proposed) is already clear when people sell new inserts that have been found, but before the newest list is out and the information is disclosed publicly to everyone. You have sold inserts
as inserts before they became published,
or even confirmed (Specifically HOW 9.84). Thank goodness that they were eventually confirmed.
That is why Brent has stated that he will only list CONFIRMED Inserts from the GP List. I don't understand where the concept of Communication Blockage has come into question.... :-/
The smiley:

appears to be amouth with a zipper over its lips. I don't know how else to read that, other than silence of some sort.
Something new is being done with insert notes since we have moved the lists from the forums. Now, we do not track insert notes specifically per se, but we do list confirmed and suspected insert ranges.
You cannot have one without the other. Confirmed ranges are listed based on individual tracking, and suspected ranges are listed by members the moment a new post comes up about a new possible range.
Confirmed insert ranges are those which appear either in the most recent edition of the Charlton Standard Catalogue of Canadian Government Paper Money, or in the lists published by Gilles Pomerleau. This information is reproduced with permission. Suspected insert ranges are those for which verbal confirmation from Gilles has been obtained, but they have not yet been published on paper.
Sorry to say, but the bolded part of your statement is incorrect. Suspected ranges are those that have not been confirmed, but are
suspected to be inserts. Gilles obviously cannot put out a list everyday by mail, so in the meantime, other ranges get confirmed. He has information coming to him daily. I want to make sure everyone is clear on that.
The momemt Gilles confirms an insert range verbally, that insert range is no longer suspect. Despite that it might not be published for three months less a day, the insert range is to be deemed CONFIRMED, and will be appearing on his next list, thus showing up on wiki within hours, and then the Catalogue. We need a Place for people to go where there will be RELIABLE information on CONFIRMED Inserts and then a separate place to see what the latest finds are and SUSPECTED Insert Ranges (From Forum Members). So then anyone can take the information with a grain of salt, KNOWING ALL THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IS NOT CONFIRMED. Then once confirmed by Gilles on the GP List the information would then be removed from the Suspected Lists and put into the Current High/Low Lists. Thus 2 Separate Lists are Maintained (Completely Separate).
Suspect or "potential" insert ranges are often posted up on the forum, in the Journey section, and often in the high low threads. As far as reliable, we can only go off of the integrity of the person posting, plus the fact that fraudulent claims can easily be disproven (ask me if you have questions about that). That is why there is an absolute necessity for multiple finds from reliable sources.
I am not sure, x-savior, if your objection to my handling it has to do with reliability, which you emphasized two times in capital letters, but it appears as such.
I am not here to win votes, or even get the "last word", but those who know me and what I am truly about (FLAWS and all), know the integrity by which I strive for, especially in regards to the health of this hobby. But I digress. I am not here to sell myself, or to hard sell product.
Another issue I have is that the Suspected Lists should NOT become a method of marketing ones notes.
This confuses me, since I again will point out, you were selling inserts, among other things, before they were confirmed (I will give you the benefit of the doubt that you had a provision about that within the sale).
I think many people would agree this is the best way to handle this issue.
I wholeheartedly disagree with you x-savior, I have my reasons which I will keep to myself. The greatest reason however, is that we are all trying to work for one cause here, and sharing is the only way we can accomplish this goal.
Any questions about inserts, or reams, or how ranges are determined, I will be happy to share the knowledge I have gained through my own research and through the many lengthy discussions I have shared with other senior members - on and off the site.
Hudson A B