I doubt a brick searcher had previously gone thru this particluar brick of 1000 consecutive notes. Why would he or she have left the notes being searching for ( radars and replacements)?
This brick and way it was packaged with BoC wrappers is just a little further proof that at least 4 prefixes of 5's are being inserted, not by the printing company, but by the BoC itself. This brick is slighly different than all of the other finds in that it included only 1 AOM 0.48 replacement which is just a slight deviation from all other such finds of AOH 1.08, AOK 4.08, AOM 0.48 and AOP 7.07 to date. All other finds were consistant in that each had one random note from either side of the 500 note missing and replacements were inserted between 000 and 001. Many of the bricks also contained printer inserted replacements whether sheet or SNR.
We have been told in the past that the printers do not keep records on replacements used. I do believe, though, that the BoC will document the notes they use as replacements and eventually that info will find its's way to us. Looks to me like the BoC is pulling 2 random notes from random bricks for quality control testing.
I believe that the above 4-$5 prefix ranges, BEU 0.023 and the already confirmed FEP 0.078 are were used by the BoC as quality control replacements. FEP may have so readily been confirmed because the BoC documented the notes they themselves inserted.