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91   Canadian Coins / Re: 2024 Air Force Toonie Coin

on December 29, 2024, 01:08:17 pm

Started by Breanna72 - Last post by TN56

After 2 months of searching this coin in my change, I finally found a colored Air Force toonie at Best Buy. Now just have to find the uncolored version of it.

I also noticed  the lack of colored coins in circulation, is it perhaps every collector is holding onto any colored coins they find coin roll hunting or getting it in their change? It’s like for me hitting the jackpot when you find one of those special coins in your change.

92   Show and Tell / Re: Banknotes with a yours here too!

on December 29, 2024, 01:02:25 pm

Started by Dean - Last post by Breanna72

Actually it says "Gold Electronic" and there is a company with that name established in 1998 so perhaps their first dollar was a 1973 $1 note?

93   Canadian Coins / Re: 2024 Air Force Toonie Coin

on December 29, 2024, 12:33:17 am

Started by Breanna72 - Last post by AJG

I haven't seen any in Newfoundland (let alone no King Charles coins), but considering there are a lot of outstanding Queen coins waiting to be distributed by banks, plus demand for coins having taken a steep drop in recent years, it comes as no surprise.  Plus, it seems as if demand for toonies have fallen for some years now in my province - more because its purchasing power became the $5 bill.  But now, it seems as if the number of toonies in circulation in my province (and possibly Atlantic Canada) have levelled off, otherwise I'd be seeing more new $5 bills by now.

94   Show and Tell / Re: Dean’s finds

on December 28, 2024, 06:07:10 pm

Started by Dean - Last post by Dean

In my city where I live (Toronto, ON) I never had that issue with TD Bank and CIBC. I don’t know why we need a business account to get coin rolls. I see on YouTube most Canadian coin roll hunter gets bundle of coins, nickels, dime, quarter, loonie and toonie to search without any issues.

I also live in Toronto and I never have any problems getting rolled coin from any bank. CIBC, RBC, TD, BMO and Scotiabank all give me rolls whenever I ask.   Sometimes they have enough in stock to give me full boxes of circulated coins but I would always say that I would take as many rolls as they felt comfortable to give me so the branch is not short of coins for "normal" customers.  It's only this one particular branch of RBC that has the "three roll" rule for coins; none of the other RBC branches I visit have this limit.

As a courtesy to the branch, I would pre-order boxes of dimes and quarters but lately, when I place a bulk coin order, all I get are the white machine wrapped rolls of ARP coins.

So, I have had to resort to picking up smaller quantities of coins from multiple branches.  It's a bit of a pain but I'm in the branch to ask for paper money first and foremost.  The coins are just a bonus.

I have noticed that of all of the big banks, Scotiabank is the most reluctant to give out old paper money.  In fact, I have never scored anything from Scotiabank in terms of old bills but they have given me rolls of pennies in the past.


95   Show and Tell / Re: Dean’s finds

on December 28, 2024, 02:35:18 pm

Started by Dean - Last post by TN56

Eight of the dime rolls came from one bank while the second bank would only give me three rolls of any denomination I wanted because I didn’t have a business account.  This is the first branch where I have encountered this restriction.

I asked the teller at this branch if I could pre-order a box of dimes.  Again, I was refused because I didn’t have a business account.

None of my other banks have restricted how many coins I can take.  I wonder why this branch is so stingy with its coin rolls?

In my city where I live (Toronto, ON) I never had that issue with TD Bank and CIBC. I don’t know why we need a business account to get coin rolls. I see on YouTube most Canadian coin roll hunter gets bundle of coins, nickels, dime, quarter, loonie and toonie to search without any issues.

I took a break from coin roll hunting because I already have enough coins and most of my special coins come from circulation or friends and family. Also I have been focusing more on collecting banknotes and entering them into the SNDB.

96   Show and Tell / Re: Dean’s finds

on December 28, 2024, 04:18:02 am

Started by Dean - Last post by Redlock

the second bank would only give me three rolls of any denomination I wanted because I didn’t have a business account.  This is the first branch where I have encountered this restriction.

I asked the teller at this branch if I could pre-order a box of dimes.  Again, I was refused because I didn’t have a business account.

None of my other banks have restricted how many coins I can take.  I wonder why this branch is so stingy with its coin rolls?

Sadly, this has become a common practice here in Germany. You only get one or more rolls if you have a business account.
Cash is hassle for the banks these days. Hence they make it difficult to get -- especially coins.  :(

97   Show and Tell / Re: Dean’s finds

on December 27, 2024, 10:29:55 pm

Started by Dean - Last post by Dean

December 27th:  Coin hunt summary.

Over the past few weeks, I have hunted

Two boxes of quarters
One box of nickels
And 4 and a half boxes of dimes

This is what I found.


Six silver dimes, (4x 1967, 1961, 1964)
One nickel from 1945
Over $14 in US coins
A decent amount of pure nickel nickels, including one elusive 1970 in nice condition.
Several coloured commemoratives including the elusive 2015 coloured poppy.
Several mint condition millennium quarters and Canada 125 quarters.
A 1967 rabbit nickel (these seem to be hard to get in circulation)
A few 12 sided nickels.

A 100 won coin from South Korea
Some European coins
Coins from Singapore, the UK, the Cayman Islands and Jamaica.

I am not sure what to do with the commemorative coins; the more boxes I search through, the more of them I find, but nobody seems to want to buy them.


98   Show and Tell / Re: Dean’s finds

on December 27, 2024, 10:18:22 pm

Started by Dean - Last post by Dean

December 27th finds:

Coin roll hunt…silver score!

I went to a couple of banks today and picked up some coin rolls.
I got $22.50 in penny rolls and some dime rolls.
Eight of the dime rolls came from one bank while the second bank would only give me three rolls of any denomination I wanted because I didn’t have a business account.  This is the first branch where I have encountered this restriction.

I asked the teller at this branch if I could pre-order a box of dimes.  Again, I was refused because I didn’t have a business account.

None of my other banks have restricted how many coins I can take.  I wonder why this branch is so stingy with its coin rolls?

Anyway, the dime rolls from the first bank were more interesting.  I managed to get a whole bunch of lustrous dimes from the 80s and 90s, including a couple of 1991 and 1990 dated dimes.  Best of all, I pulled two silver dimes, one dated 1964 and a 1967.

I was relieved to finally be back on the silver after coming up empty for awhile.

I took some cash from the bank machine and an interesting note popped out, BSB 0888000.


Started by Philippe_B - Last post by Northwest5

Please also send me your list, thanks murray -

Started by Philippe_B - Last post by Philippe_B

Handi send me a PM with your email address or send me an email at
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