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Started by TN56 - Last post by Dean

My New Year's resolutions for 2025 include:

1.  Improving the organization of notes in my collection.
2.  Obtaining a BSW prefix polymer $20
3.  Continuing to hunt the banks for more treasures.


Started by TN56 - Last post by TN56

In 2024 I was able to obtain two Dominion 1923 $1 notes and one 1935 English $1 note, all AU with great eye appeal and at reasonable prices. But these are the easiest notes to find from these series, aside from shinplasters.

For 2025, I'd like to keep the ball rolling, but moving on to French notes, and/or going up in denomination, and/or back in time with the Dominion notes. This will force me to make some really tough decisions in balancing condition vs. price. If I'm lucky I'll find some notes in the VF/EF range with the Orig/EPQ/PPQ designation and really good eye appeal. I'll be happy if I can obtain 1 or 2 such notes next year.

At the same time, keeping an eye on modern notes. It's possible we may see Rogers-Macklem $50s at some point. And some more Lane-Macklem $20 prefixes. And there's always minor intrigue with some of those Desmond $10 prefixes too.

I was looking at the SNDB  for the Viola $10 and for the FFB prefix, I see no bills were released in the range of 0-537K, 720K to 1.441M and 2.50M to 3.71M. My guess is the FFB prefix was highlighted in the media press and most likely weren't released into circulation.

I can't wait for the Lane-Macklem and maybe Rogers-Macklem $20. Also the $50 HHH prefix I am excited for to be released into circulation.

AL-Bob I feel like I spend too much money on coins and banknotes just as many collectors say. I don't buy on Ebay anymore because the prices are just insane and instead buy in person.

rxcory I wish you good luck in your collection and the other people who responded to this thread

Started by TN56 - Last post by AL-Bob

Yes.  We need to resist the temptation!  I always say I'm going to stop buying and then a "once in a lifetime" type of banknote or collection gets offered up and I convince myself that I just can't pass it by.  I need to join a rehab facility for numismatists!

Started by TN56 - Last post by q60driver

For 2025, I would like to fill a few holes in my signature and prefix collections but my biggest goal is to NOT start a new collection!

My bank account has had enough of my antics  :D ??? :'( ;D

Started by TN56 - Last post by rxcory

In 2024 I was able to obtain two Dominion 1923 $1 notes and one 1935 English $1 note, all AU with great eye appeal and at reasonable prices. But these are the easiest notes to find from these series, aside from shinplasters.

For 2025, I'd like to keep the ball rolling, but moving on to French notes, and/or going up in denomination, and/or back in time with the Dominion notes. This will force me to make some really tough decisions in balancing condition vs. price. If I'm lucky I'll find some notes in the VF/EF range with the Orig/EPQ/PPQ designation and really good eye appeal. I'll be happy if I can obtain 1 or 2 such notes next year.

At the same time, keeping an eye on modern notes. It's possible we may see Rogers-Macklem $50s at some point. And some more Lane-Macklem $20 prefixes. And there's always minor intrigue with some of those Desmond $10 prefixes too.

Started by TN56 - Last post by TN56

It is December 3rd, time passes so fast and Christmas is coming up and the year 2024. I would like to see what your New Year’s resolution will be for next year.

For me in terms of collecting banknotes I would like to find

- A low serial (under 1000) can be any series from circulation
- Any special serial number (2 digits radar, solid, etc)
- Low serial for the 2017 $10 series (Under 10K)
- Find a Macklem-Carney $5 in my change
- Find a BSW, CDF, AMK or any prefix that is hard to find in circulation

For coins I would like to find in my change

- Coloured 2017 Glow in the dark toonie
- Coloured 2018 Armistice Toonie
- 1991 Quarter (low mintage of 459,000)
- Any coin that has a date of 2017 (Expect any Commemorative Coin)
- 2015 Canada & Poppy quarter coloured
- 2017 Hope for a green future quarter coloured
- 2009 Men/Woman/Cindy Klassen quarter coloured
- Coloured 2021 Insulin Toonie

That is all my resolution for the new years. I would like to hear your thoughts as I started collecting 3 years ago

Edit: I forget to add I would like to enter 5-10K notes into the SNDB by the end of 2025

Started by walktothewater - Last post by walktothewater

Well I got there about 1:30 but there wasn't that many people & some tables were deserted. I thought there would be hockey cards & comics (they advertised other collectibles)* so that's how I roped 2 friends into going. * Just to be clear: I had googled some of the names on the bourse chart & that's what they dealt in (sports cards & comics).  There wasn't any of that (oddly enough): just stamps & a few postcards but perhaps the empty tables were these mystery guys. 

Anyway, I wasn't very impressed with the banknotes offered either. So much processed DOC, 1935 & 1937 notes! But at least I got my new 36th Edition of Charlton CDN Government Paper Money catalogue! Prices on the tables are disappointing (low) but the catalogue is thick & chocked full of info.

8   Canadian Coins / Re: Coins picked from circulation

on December 01, 2024, 03:37:11 pm

Started by Dean - Last post by TN56

Did anyone find the new $2 Inuit Nunangat coin in circulation yet? Haven't gotten it yet in circulation but I would like to hear if you got it yet?

Started by walktothewater - Last post by TN56

unfortunately I couldn't go to the coin show today because I was busy today to study and I live far away from Mississauga. I have never been to a coin show before, what does a coin show consists of?

Started by walktothewater - Last post by Dean

Damn!  I forgot that this show happened today!  :(
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