The remark left answered the information left by the previous person, your friend. Remember, the "formal complaint" stuff a while ago.
The pricing panel in the Charlton consists of the following. Louis Chevrier, Harry Eineshauer, Mike Findlay, Nick Gerbinski, Ian Laing, Peter McDonald, Andrew McCaig, Charles Moore, Don Olmstead, and Gilles Pomerleau. All are well known, several of them sell items on eBay.
The editor is Robert Graham, the assistant is Lub Wojtiw.
Some of the contributors include Dick Dunn, Gary Fedora, Brent Mackie and Paul Wallis; All from this group are regulars on this site.
The question asked before. As Troy is not among the names in the book, and neither is mine, who should be on the pricing panel? Then the question, who should (either in the book or in the new electronic version of the book being contemplated) be the contributors, editor or pricing panel.
The part mentioned before, Charlton's has difficulty getting contributors to the paper book or coin book. How can these people be motivated to give information.